Olympic female lifters. Hotness.

Two female powerhouses!

However, I have the example internal and external powerhouse right at home: My Wife.

Off to train this old fart.


Hope everyone's day went well!

Best regards,

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I agree mr phate but unfortunately it is not universal across the sport :D

Sorry allow me to make up for my misdemenour

You have been forgiven :drooling1:

It's great to see a man who isn't intimidated by strong women. There should be more like you phate.

Thanks :D

I think you will find 99% of men would love to meet those two ladies in the first post.

Man, you'd be surprised. I posted these links on a yahoo/answer and even then some guys thought that was too muscular and defined. Weak insecure little bastards.
I can't believe how wide that grip is!!!!

Verses stopping at teh neck, what is that lift called?

For the mouscle bound ladies- it is pretty known that I am a fan totally :jump1:
It's great to see a man who isn't intimidated by strong women. There should be more like you phate.

Seems like worker-outer dudes like worker-outer chicks. Non-worker-outer dudes like non-worker-outer chicks.

It makes sense, since, if you are a worker-outer-dude dating a non-worker-outer chick, all she does is complain about how much time you spend at the gym instead of with her. It's just annoying.

I imagine the opposite is true as well.
I think those singlets are far too constricting. They could lift more weight in bikinis:D

Check out this one:
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I am so glad you guys like women with muscles! Someday I would love to look like a fitness model. I always cringe when I read a new woman's post that says I want to be toned, not muscular. I just want to scream at them that muscles are beautiful! If you want to see some great pics take a look at this site:

I'm not sure how to make links so if it doesn't work, copy and paste, you'll be glad you did!
Lmao at that peeing women!

Man, I thought you were joking, but crap. They were hot :p