Olympic Barbells - any difference?

I was thinking of picking up an olympic barbell/weight set and was wondering if just about any would do, or if there are things/brands I should be looking for. Thanks in advance for replies.
It depends on your budget. Cheaper sets will have bars that bend and plates that chip.

York, Ivanko, or something higher end will last. When buying a weight set always buy the highest quality. It may be more expensive. But they will last forever and you will never have to buy again.
Make sure that the bars are 20kg not 15kg. Alot of cheaper companies say olympic because of the bar end diameter but arent actually the real mc coy
What's your max lift?

I bought a decent 300lb set from Sport's Authority for $109. The bar is not the best, the knurl is smoothed down, but it's good enough for starters. The plates are better than the bar.

You can invest in a better bar later on.

I bought bar from fitness factory so that I can do front squats without the knurl scraping my neck. It's solid, has excellent knurling, supports 1500lbs, is 200,000lb tensile strength, etc, at a pretty good price.
I'm sure that the 300lb set would suit me for quite a long while. I was looking at fitness factory - seems like they have some good stuff there. Though I will see what's available locally to get around the shipping costs.
Seems I can get a set of weights for about $160 locally... Think the plates are Cap Barbell, not sure about the bar... I looked at fitnessfactory too, anyone know if their olympic weight sets include the $175 bar?
Seems I can get a set of weights for about $160 locally... Think the plates are Cap Barbell, not sure about the bar... I looked at fitnessfactory too, anyone know if their olympic weight sets include the $175 bar?

Don't order plates online. You'll pay bigtime for shipping. Since iron is iron, just get what you want locally.

No, the FF set doesn't include the $175 bar.