Olympia -06

Didnt find any thread about it, so what do you think. Did Jay deserv it?
I think he did - Coleman's bigger but not better imo, must suck for coleman tho to loose with one title from beatng the record.

Some pics and stuff:

pretty cool site for camparison:

Ronnies free routine:

embarrassingly bad imo - that Moses thing was just lol
I think they both look like prats.

Coleman is old, he couldn't keep it up for long.

Does he weight the same as last year?
Hellz yeah Jay deserved it. That man is a maniac. I love Ron Coleman and all, but Jay has better definition in his legs, his calves are WAY better than Ron's, and I think Jay is more symetrical all around. Ron's def got the shoulders and back though.

Should have posted more pics
They both look the same to me....

Joe Weider has so much influence on that crap...Just when someone is going to break a record they make teh guy lose to keep the Olympia interesting. They learned that when Lee Haney broke Arnold's record.
Here you go, here's a great site to see comparisons..

**edit, same in 1st post.

and you're damn right J deserved it, Ronnie came in sub par. Next year its Ruhl to the top.
Sure Ruhl is the most massive guy out there but he's just to damn ugly that man, some bad lines and they would never put his mosterface as the foremost representative of the sport. Naw Jay will keep it now for 6-8years probably, question is what coleman will do... if he could take the title back that'd be a tremendous victory but Jay will get momentum in having the title so not very likely and must feel fruitless to even try for Ron.
I'd love to see what Coleman would look like in a year if he went cold turkey on the Roids and stopped all training.
Ruhl could be the ugliest man on the face of the earth, but after ronnie won so many times, they only proved it's not a beauty pagent.
Am I the only 1 that is afraid, even though it's just a pic? lol

I admire them for all their hardwork and perseverance, as it takes 100% dedication, but I would never wanna look like that. That's just crazy lol.
I'd love to see some off-season pics if anyone has them.

It seems like they just live in some deep underground cave untill they rise up for the big O once a year.
Branch Warren offseason..

Ronnie 320lbs offseason bloated w/gyno like a muda sucka

Lee Priest gets Fn huge!!
Does anyone else get freaked out when they see body builders? When I see guys like those I get weird chills. I don't have anything against body building.

PS. Jay Cutter ftw. He is really a cool guy. He should have won last time too. I think he ended up second right?
I think its funny that they're the same skin tone...

does coleman have another muscle of top of his shoulders? or is that his head??
I do admire these guys for there dedication.. but I too find this off the wall.. Hey if thats something they love doing.. and obviously there good at it.. Thumbs up to them. I also want to add that Jay did offer better than what Coleman had. I don't know if this is because of there poses.. but Jay just looked a hell of alot more proportionate when he flexed.

Its like a spot the difference game!