Weight-Loss Olives



New member
Ok, my husband brought home a jar of Spanish Olives. This is the first time I have tried them and I LOVE them. I am addicted. So tell me.... are olives good or bad? :confused:

The label says 5 olives per serving, 25 Calories, and 25 of those are Fat Calories. So... I am thinking, olives are not so good? But isnt olive oil suppose to be better then the other oils? Or is the fat in olives good for you?

I need to know how much to limit my olive intake to!?
Olives are high in sodium, but if that's not a concern.. then enjoy them- -they're low in calories and the fat is basically the same fat that's in olive oil - it's a good fat that your body needs some of..

Long as you aren't surrounding your olives with 8 ounces of vodka with a martini - enjoy enjoy!
Olives are primarily fat.

That being said, if you can limit fat intake in the rest of your diet...by all means have 20 a day. 100 calories worth of fat is very acceptable.

Just make sure your calorie intake from fat doesn't exceed 25% a day. (On a 2000 calorie diet that is 500 calories a day or approximately 55 grams of fat. 20 olives is 11 grams of fat.)

So if you really like them that much, have a great time. There are far worse sources of dietary fat.
