Okay, I'm sort of new to this fitness thing.

Yeah. Suggestions would be nice and stuff. Two years ago, I got in my high school gym class after years of being...well...non active. My teacher kind of whipped me into shape. My first mile took 15min and 40sec or so. Last I checked (3 months ago), I could do a mile in 8 and a half minutes. Blah.

Anyways, here's where I get to the point. Since I'm new to this whole exercise thing, I want to know what I could do better.

Exercise (3 times a week):
*Warm up jog, stretches, 4 sets of 60 crunches, and 40 pushups
*Jog in the hills (the paths vary from flat to extremely steep and hilly...depending on my mood). I used a map to approximate how far I really go, and that's about 2 miles on the flat more traveled path.
*pullups. I started trying to do pullups about 3 weeks ago. I've never been able to do one, but after working at it, im up to about 3.

I eat whatever I can get. My dad is cheap, we're poor as dirt, so it's kind of like a game of survival, lol.
I took a nutrition class in march, and my teacher taught me a lot about food and what a person needs in their diet and stuff. I cut out all of my sucrose intake (with the exception of some low key breakfast cereals). I have also been more aware of how much calium, salt, and fiber I get. Most people diss on salt intake, but I wasn't getting enough before and I'd always be dizzy. :\

If you've read all of my babble so far, I'm impressed. Does anyone know of a software program I could get my hands on that could help me keep track of my food intake and what that food has in it that I need/dont need? Is there something I could do to make my fitness plan better?

Thanks :D

(oh yeah, and one more thing. I love running, but it's 58 degrees outside. How am I supposed to run in that? Just bite the bullet? I hate the cold with ever so much passion.
There is software to keep track of your food intake, but nothing I've seen is free. Personally, I had the opportunity to try one of those programs, but I didn't. I don't want to be any more of a slave to my keyboard than I already am :\

For fitness, try to get a hold of some dumbbells; you can even borrow them from friends, there are probably some laying around long unused in dad's toolshed or garage. If you can buy them, they're cheap, effective and last forever (the cast iron ones, anyway), and there's a ton of exercises you can do with them. Even for just plain 'Running', you can liven up your jogs by holding a dumbbell in each hand and shadowboxing as you run.

Also, you should consider joining the YMCA. They will give you a free membership if you can prove that you can't afford it. At my YMCA, I can basically spend the whole day there: weight room, cardio machines, then cool off with a swim and relax in the sauna.
mmmm.....sauna. I wonder if they even have a YMCA here.

I actually have a dumbell set in my room...i just never thought to use them for anything but curls (which i find most boring). I'll have to try running with them sometime. :D Thanks.