Sport Ok, since we're handing out diet advice, help!

Sport Fitness
I am 5'8 and 130 lbs, I run 3-5 km 3-5 days a week, depending on my week. I love what it does to my legs, they are long and toned, even my butt is looking great, but I could still loose a bit of hip, and definitely some love handles, you know girls, how you can't see them when you are standing but when you sit they hang over your pants? So annoying. anyway, I want to loose about 10 lbs, I can't get to a gym, so I figure I should start doing sit-ups, I have implants and find pushups scarry, but will probably attempt these too, I also do alot of streaching to remain flexable. Now, the diet, I hate doing too much limiting of foods, and like the occational glass of wine, (well, two or three a week) and chocolate bar, but my calories otherwise aren't that much,

Breakfast; bowl of fruit salad and\or cream of wheat with berries
Snack; sunflower seeds, cheese,
Lunch; lean meat, whole bread and \or home soup like lentil
snack; granola bar, salad
supper; lean meat, rice or pasta or potato and veggie
snack; dried fruit, popcorn

lots of green tea and water too
Well, aside from reading your paragraph, for simply running your diet looks pretty have plenty of sugars and a good amount of carbs.
Hi, thanks for replying and for the great website reference, my calorie intake today is roughly 1690 is that high for my height and size? Today was a crappy day though, I think I'm PMS'ing.
I would add in a few more servings of green vegetables and a bit more protein. Also, you might get some dbs and work through some of Scrapper's stuff to tone (yes, I said the word) a bit more.
Ok, not to be naive here, but what is dbs and Scrapper's stuff? I'm canadian and live in the mountains with no cable tv, so fill me in. Like sit-ups and lunges and stuff? I want long lean muscle not bulky, although because of my build I probably wouldn't get bulky anyway...I agree about greens and protein, I know I need to cut the sugar a bit, is some sugar nessisary for runners?
where is the protein!?!? :)

Get EFAs in there. EVERYONE who is trying to reduce their body fat should consider incorporating EFAs of some kind into their diet.

You ask if sugar is necessary for runners. Well, your goal is to burn fat right? Not give yourself an insulin spike, so I would get rid of the simple sugars if you are seriously planning on cutting. If you are moderately working the fat off, then a little wont kill you.
Pushups and situps are good, just dont go crazy with them. People always make the mistake of thinking 200 reps will make their abs ripped to shreds.

Good luck getting rid of those last ten pounds!
Get some protein in there and then you can safely assume that half of it wont be LBM.
Kaddy, you can't get bulky unless you have a lot of calories and years invested into weight training. No one picks up weights and suddenly you're like all massive.

Visit the link I gave you, it's easier to explain that way. It's just high intensity db (dumbbell) and bodyweight stuff.
More total protein would help. If you want faster results, add a whey protein shake after your workout. Keep around a 2:1 ratio of carbsrotein. I would add eggs to my breakfast. Try out 2 whole and 2 egg whites or experiment with different combos. Try to center your daily carbs. around veggies and fruit. I like to keep other daily carbs. i.e. bread, rice, pasta, simple sugars reserved for the meals following my workout. The chocolate and wine sounds great since they aren't in large amounts.

Niceone you say to take out simple sugars are you referring to the green tea? A glass or two is not really that bad.

Evo. is right its a common misconception that women should do tons of reps to get tone.