Sport OK. I'm pissed.

Sport Fitness
I'm posting this now, because again - my mom has refused to take me to the store to get food.

I have been waiting nearly 4 weeks now to go to the grocery store to get healthy, good food for bulking. Each time the same answer - No, you'll just bother us. This is getting extremely annoying, I have explained to my mom WHY I need to go, and WHY it's so important. She constantly refuses, and comes home, again, with unhealthy foods, with little nutritional value.

I set goals for myself, and picked exactly what foods to be eating, but if I don't go with her, she wont get them.

I am mad beyond belief right now, with her ignorance. She has not listened once, when I tell her how important it is. She is one of those people who think all getting big is, is going to the gym. That is one of the smaller things to getting big is in my opinion.

Well. Another week without any good food. At least I've been getting good results. No where near as good as with the good foods though....

I plan to just either
A) Ask her for money and bike up
B) Ask her to go with me alone tomorrow
c) Take $30 from her and go (I don't want to do that, but if I have to I will, because I'm very determined).

UHGGGGGG! Summers almost here! I can't wait another week!
I don't know how old you are, but maybe it's time you got yourself a part time job. you can buy your own food and tell your Mom to piss off.
Yeah man.. time to make some paper to support yourself. Your mom can give you the roof over your head, but you can still work for food.
or call child protective services and tell them how yer mom is trying to kill you with saturated fat and high fructose corn syrup.

ok, that was a joke...but its also a sad truth.
Maybe ask her to stop buying groceries for you, and just give you a food allowance instead. bags of potatoes, brown rice, eggs, oatmeal and cottage cheese are cheap. the chicken and steak will be the spendy part.
Skull Pilot said:
I don't know how old you are, but maybe it's time you got yourself a part time job. you can buy your own food and tell your Mom to piss off.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...... How I wish I could do that.

Sadly I need about $120 to get a new birth certificate, since my mom lost my original one... I have been asking her if you would get me one for months, always get the same reaction - lazyness.

I don't like to say this about my mom, but shes LAZYYYYYYYY. Anything that resembles movement, she's not up for it. She's not fat, she just hates to move.

It's very annoying...

Maybe ask her to stop buying groceries for you, and just give you a food allowance instead.

Wow... Thats actually a really good idea. I think I'll try it.