OK, enough is enough!

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This time is enough! :)

Hi all!

My name is Dillinger, I am 28 years old male, live in Europe and I am fat. :(

For my whole life i have been strugling with few extra kg or pounds. I was never very fat, had 10-20 pounds extra, but never as i am now, almost 50 pounds extra.

I dont feel comfortable with that at all. I cannot wear any pants i have.

I must have been dieting on 4-5 occasions, i was always succesfull in loosing weight, but you can also cal me Mr. YO - YO

Every time I got it back. Why? Because i like to eat. I like to cook. And biggest of my problems, i like to drink. Alcohol. The more i drink, the more i want to eat. :mad: :mad:

So, from today, i stop drinking, start my regular dieting and i start to run everyday for 30 min.

We will see where it will get me. Knowning me, loosing weight will be lesser problem, my biggest problem will be to remain at my goal.

I will try to help other people with some advices, and will search for encouragment here!



P.S. Sorry for my english, it is much better when speaking and not writing ;)
Well welcome and I hope that you remember that "diet" is kind of a misnomer. Lifestyle change is how I would like to think of it . I too have started a regime and tried to keep it real so that I can live with it for the rest of my life .

It sounds like you have some motivation . If there is anything I can do feel free to pm me or email me . I am not a expert and I struggle still . In fact last night I was craving carbs so bad that I had three pieces of toast for a snack ....too much but you know so I failed and today is a new day .

I dont dwell on the fact that I ate the wrong thing or too much the day before ...life is a journey and if I get a bit lost , I look at the map find the road again and keep going .

Good luck !
I think that DragonsDestiny is correct. I too have a weight problem and for the last 7 weeks have been using some products. I have been constantly losing weight. I am about 70 pounds too heavy to where I would like to be.

I have been using Herbalife Shapeworks program where you take a shake for breakfast and one for lunch. One of my friends referred me to this because it worked so well for her. I have been trying this and it is working. I think with my lifestyle if this gets me where I want to be I would not have a problem keeping this program for the rest of my life. It is healthy. I feel great. I get more accomplished during the day.

The only problem with this lifestyle change is cost. I signed up to be a distributor just recently so that I get the products at the discounted rate so it is cheaper. If you are thinking about changing your lifestyle, you should really look into these products. If I can be of help let me know.
I too use herbalife. I am losing weight, but the cost is high. It always costs more to eat healthier - GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Good luck keeping up with the running. I say don't cut anything out of your diet that you love, just use moderation. If you deny yourself you may binge later.
Hi there, Dillinger

:cool: Hello, Dillinger

Welcome to the forum. My name is Red Dragon; I call my self that because I am proud of my Welsh heritage (sp?) I used to go by the name of "Whalebelly" on this forum, but a couple of the other members on the forum suggested that I might want to change my username to something a little bit more positive. I start on my program heavy duty tomorrow. Wish me luck! Gotta run now, but I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. Good luck to you.
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