Weight-Loss oils?



New member
i'm confused about oils.

what is the lowest calorie/fat oil out there? what do you use?

i tend to avoid oil because the kind in my pantry has 140 calories and 14 grams of fat (if i remember correctly) per tablespoon.

i'm not sure what kind that is, but i think it's ridiculous to add 140 calories and 14 grams of fat to a meal with just one tablespoon of oil.
most oils are going to have the same amount of calories - and probably the same fat content but not all oils are created equal...

you're best oil - in my estimation is olive oil - because it's a source of mono unsaturated fats... and helps to lower the bad cholesterol in the body.

When you're planning meals -don't look at the individual elements but instead look at the big picture for the meal - oil may be 140 calores a tbs - but the broccoli or spinach you're putting it on is very very low in calories and the fat in it is negligible so it really balances out...

Avocado oil is also quite nice -but i tend to use more as aflavor additive than actually cooking with it..

Most oils - I use more for flavor than cooking reasons.. unless I'm baking then I'll probably use apple sauce or yogurt instead... but I love the taste of a really good extra virgin olive oil on roasted veggies or just brushed on grilled chicken or fish...

This is a pretty good read on fats :