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I have had an issue with food for as long as I care to remember. I have been stuck in a diet-weight loss-binge-guilt-diet cycle and honestly, i'm tired. Tired of thinking about food 24 hours a day, tired of trying each and every single diet out there, tired of losing weight and feeling good, to go and put it all back on again, tired of feeling hungry, tired of eating when I know that I don't need it, tired of everything food related. I simply can't remember when I last had a meal which I actually sat down, tasted and enjoyed without bolting it like an out of control Labrador.

Me, well I am a little over 51, 5'8" and currently tipping the scales at 182lb. I am not particularly overweight as I try to train excessively. If it wasn't for the training and constant dieting I would be huge I am sure. I have at times been down at 176lbs and as high as 196lb but I try to remain under 183lb (or 13 stone) which makes me feel a little better. As I get older its harder to keep the weight off and my body is knackered from the running, cycling and home training DVD's such as Insanity. My knees are shot and hurt like hell, three operations to repair torn cartlidge caused by overtraining haven't helped at all and my back and shoulder aches constantly. I just don't know how much longer I can continue to push..

My main issue, I binge and it's horrendous as I simply have no 'off' switch. An example is last Saturday when I bought a packet of 5 ring doughnuts and a packet of 5 jam doughuts. Why? I dunno - couldn't make up my mind which ones to get although I didn't want either and ended up buying both. So, got back home and this was at about 0745 after dropping my daughter off at her little job and decided to have one of the ring doughnuts for breakfast, yep - did the first packet in under 5 minutes. The jam doughnuts got it a little later and by lunch time I had done the lot. Jump forward to Monday - back on the low carb diet and training endlessly.

That's just one of the thousands of episodes that I have had and continue to have. Complete packets of biscuits, tubs of ice cream, pots of cream, crisps, etc, etc, etc.

Why am I here? - to offload all this, I don't have anyone to tell about the way I am feeling and the way that this affects me and makes me feel. Don't have anyone to tell that I hate the way I look, hate the way I am, hate myself and just need to tell someone/no-one who's going to judge me. Afterall, there's nothing anyone can say that I haven't already said to myself and continue to say to myself each and every day.

What would I like? - to either be fat and happy and at peace with myself or to be slim and in control, to not have to think about it anymore. Yes, I know there are much worse things to have to be dealing with and I get it, I really do - I am lucky, very lucky and I don't ever forget that.......but being purely selfish in regards to this I simply have to get some form of resolution..

A few days ago some people at work were talking about meeting their maker and how it frightened them.... they asked me how I felt about it, that's easy I said 'I don't want to move on just yet but when I do it will be the first time where I won't have to think about food anymore'......
Hi there,

Your story just resonated with me because I was in almost the exact same position as you. I'm a 61-year-old woman who in the last six months (since August 2017) has lost a total of 27kgs/59.4lbs (4.24 stone). I've never felt better or healthier!!!

I gave up smoking in November of 2006. After that, I packed on the pounds quite literally. My doctor at the time told me that smoking suppresses the appetite and speeds up the metabolism. Then last year I found something that really inspired me to lose weight and this is what I did ~

An online course on nutrition, in addition to extensive research. What I found was that at our age weight loss/obesity isn't just about calories in vs calories out (that is what I was told by my doctor in 2016). We have to understand our own physiology in order to control our weight and equally importantly, our HEALTH.

Hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands, then released into the bloodstream. For the purpose of weight loss (and/or maintenance), there are two types of hormones. 1) Fat-storing hormones 2) Fat-burning hormones. As we age the fat-storing hormones increase and the fat-burning hormones decrease. Fact of life, sorry. Incidentally, men have the same problem (they don't get a free ride). So take a look at rebalancing your hormones, to begin with.

I cannot emphasize the importance of eliminating sugar from your diet completely. It's calorically dense and has ZERO nutritional value (EMPTY CALORIES). In addition, it's highly addictive (like heroin, NO JOKE). Between 70% -80% of store-bought cereals, sauces, salad dressings, crackers, biscuits and fruit juices contain sugar because of this fact. My advice is to read product labels before purchasing goods, and if sugar is in the top six ingredients of any product, don't consume it. But BEWARE, manufacturers are very clever and they have come up with approximately 56 alternative names for sugar, e.g. ~ Fructose, Corn syrup, Beet sugar and High fructose corn syrup. It's all SUGAR AND ADDICTIVE!!! Sugar is also known to block the satiety hormone called Leptin. Fructose (found in fruit) is also known to block Leptin if consumed in excess. Eating fruit in small amounts is okay, but do not exceed the recommended 3-5 daily servings.

These cause inflammation of the arteries and the joints. Ham, bacon, processed and red meat have all been declared carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Animals products also turn acidic in the bloodstream causing metabolic acidosis. The Ph of the bloodstream is supposed to be more alkaline than acidic. These are all facts, not fiction. I would highly recommend a whole food plant-based diet.

Be the best you CAN be. That's not selfish!!!

A quote by Aristotle ~ "95% of everything you do is a result of habit".

If you find this information useful and would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you the very best of luck!!!
These cause inflammation of the arteries and the joints. Ham, bacon, processed and red meat have all been declared carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Animals products also turn acidic in the bloodstream causing metabolic acidosis. The Ph of the bloodstream is supposed to be more alkaline than acidic. These are all facts, not fiction. I would highly recommend a whole food plant-based diet.

Please provide your scientific studies for these statements, remember the headlines did not reflect what WHO actually said and was only based on observational studies (questionnaires) which did not take into consideration what other risks the participants were taking. correlation is not causation.
I apologize if the information that I supplied was misleading. Here are the facts provided by reliable sources (links provided below). ~

"Consumption of processed meat was classified as carcinogenic and red meat as probably carcinogenic after the IARC Working Group – comprised of 22 scientists from ten countries – evaluated over 800 studies. Conclusions were primarily based on the evidence for colorectal cancer. Data also showed positive associations between processed meat consumption and stomach cancer, and between red meat consumption and pancreatic and prostate cancer."

"Processed meats - such as bacon, sausages and ham - do cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Its report said 50g of processed meat a day - less than two slices of bacon - increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%.
Meanwhile, it said red meats were "probably carcinogenic" but there was limited evidence.
The WHO did stress that meat also had health benefits.
Cancer Research UK said this was a reason to cut down rather than give up red and processed meats.
And added that an occasional bacon sandwich would do little harm."
7 Ways that animal protein is damaging your health ~ link below.
"Today, of course, we know that most proteins from both plants and animals are Commercial link removed (meaning they contain all of the essential amino acids we need) However, people sometimes use the term “low quality” to refer to plant proteins because they typically have a lower proportion of these essential amino acids as compared to animal proteins.

But it’s important to understand that having a higher proportion of essential amino acids, as animal protein does, is actually damaging (not advantageous) for our health. We outline seven ways that animal protein damages your health."

Commercial link removed

Inflammatory Foods ~ link below.

"The commercial link removed can vary person to person, but include being overweight, experiencing lots of stress and even breathing polluted air, Women's Health reported. Lifestyle choices, like smoking or lack of exercise, also play a role. "Sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep -- we have these repetitive insults that increase longer-term inflammation," says Jessica Black, N.D., author of The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Recipe Book."

Blog link removed

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Links to blogs and sales pages selling diet books are not only not allowed they are certainly not scientific or proof of anything.
Thank you very much for your response, I appreciate it. Goodbye.