I am a 52 year old female that loves to bicycle and walk and go to the gym. Most of the other people I work with (all younger then me) think I'm a fitness nut and can't understand how I can do so much exercise and look in good shape. Most of the other people are fat or obese and eat anything and everything. I do see lots of people over 50 in the gym and I think that is great. I think the younger people believe that anyone over 50 should just be ready for an old folks home, they think I'm some kind of odd ball. Just because your over 50 doesn't mean your life stops. What kind of exercise or activities do you like to do--do other people see you as an odd ball too? Once when my husband, who is a year younger then me, went on a fun group 40 miles bike ride, the volunteers (college kids) at the stations handing out snacks etc, commented when they saw people over 40 "these are all old people". I believe your as young as you feel and I plan on being as active as I can until I die.