Has anyone else noticed that obesity has been in the media spotlight on TV a lot the past few months? Every time I turn on my TV its like there's a new documentary. The learning channel just did about four of them within a couple of weeks about several people; one weighed almost 800 pounds and couldn't even roll over in bed, so his skin started to disintegrate, causing him to die of an infection. Style channel is starting a documentary about an obese woman in November, I think it will be about her weight loss journey. Tyra Banks has been doing a lot with obesity acceptance; there is now a politically correct term, did you know? They are not "fat people", they are to be called "people of size". Among the documentaries and talk shows of people trying to lose weight, there are a lot about people who support and encourage obesity. This seems to be a growing trend. So is it just me, or is obesity flooding the media lately? Or is it just so common in America now that its just another thing to put on TV?