Obesity in the media spotlight lately?

Has anyone else noticed that obesity has been in the media spotlight on TV a lot the past few months? Every time I turn on my TV its like there's a new documentary. The learning channel just did about four of them within a couple of weeks about several people; one weighed almost 800 pounds and couldn't even roll over in bed, so his skin started to disintegrate, causing him to die of an infection. Style channel is starting a documentary about an obese woman in November, I think it will be about her weight loss journey. Tyra Banks has been doing a lot with obesity acceptance; there is now a politically correct term, did you know? They are not "fat people", they are to be called "people of size". Among the documentaries and talk shows of people trying to lose weight, there are a lot about people who support and encourage obesity. This seems to be a growing trend. So is it just me, or is obesity flooding the media lately? Or is it just so common in America now that its just another thing to put on TV?
"people of size" Thats pretty funny.
But seriously though it`s like that over here in the UK and as been for a couple of years now.Endless programmes on obesity broken up of course with ads for Mc Donalds and Greggs lol
There's a fair amount of that over here too, there's a program called "Fat Doctor" and features people who 'need' surgery to get their weight down. I can't stand to watch them anymore because they constantly portray the people on there to be victims of their bodies who have no other choice.
I'd love to see a program where someone came on and just said "cut out the doughnuts, fatty' and then we could watch this miracle cure of diet and exercise start to make the pounds fall away
Typhon remember man it`s "people of size" not fatty. But i agree 100% it hurts my eyes to watch that sh1t anymore it`s so full of self loathing and self pitty.
People of size. LOL

I've noticed that as well. I think its just because its become so mainstream in America.
I'd love to see a program where someone came on and just said "cut out the doughnuts, fatty' and then we could watch this miracle cure of diet and exercise start to make the pounds fall away

In the documentary I was watching they were like "For these bed ridden people, so much of their world is out of their control its only natural for them to want to have control over what they eat. Its all they have left!" All dramatic like... the clip to accompany this heart-wrenching truth was them presenting the 800 pound dying man with a salad and him saying "Yeah no... um... I want like a hamburger." POWERFUL STUFF! I nearly cried for his soul-rending journey!

Seriously though, how do you get to that point without realizing somewhere along the long slow path to being bed-ridden due to obesity that you are doing something horribly wrong? o_O How do you not change something about your life style loooong before it gets to the point where your knees buckle under your own weight? That this can even be allowed to happen in the modern day world of science horrifies me. Sure diet and exercise is the best way, but barring that, even the laziest of lazies can go ahead and just cut the darn stuff off already these days!
Just remember, HFCS is:

1. Made from corn
2. Has the same calories as sugar or honey
3. Is fine in moderation

:mrright: HFCS!
I ran across and article that discussed the decrease in the amount of people "dieting". The decrease wasn't only due to people just deciding to live healthy lifestyles and ditch the idea of dieting, part of the decline was due to the fact that being overweight is just more accepted. People's attitudes are changing and fewer people believe that being overweight is unattractive or unhealthy.

I guess it's just easier for people to change their standards than to get in shape.
I loves me some fat shows.

Do you think they treat people the way they do on Biggest Loser because we have some deep seeded need for them to be punished?

Personally, I watch because Jillian is hot and it's cool to see the transformations although I think they lose weight way too quickly and do some goofy workouts
ahahaha "people of size"

Well..."people of size" that show no signs of changing their patterns have some serious thought process issues. It's all a victim mentality, not one of being responsible for themselves.

i have a blog where i write for fun, about people i know, life experiences etc...check out my 2 posts in this category, both interesting stories about people of size i know.