Weight-Loss Oats vs. Rice vs. Sweet Po's ???



New member
Which of these do you prefer, and why ?

Or, do you eat all of them ? None of them ?

What's are your favorite carbs, and why ?

I eat a lot of natural rolled oats.... a little bit of sweet potato... and zero rice. Not that I don't like rice, just never seem to get around to making it.... but I guess I would if it would help anything.

Oh, and I'm a previous "fat guy" who will gain fat easily, but who has to work hard on a cut.......

You ?

Thank you
Well i like rice but the more better is oats for this purpose because the oats have good amount of energy.

Apparently, you like the way I make my posts.... as you copied and pasted my entire post, word for word, from the nutrition section of bodybuilding.com

.......or, are you not a real person, but rather, some sort of computer driven web crawler ???


Pretty fishy...
