Weight-Loss Oatmeal makes me sooooo bloated...



New member
Anyone else is experiencing this?!
I swear, every time I eat it in the morning I end up with horrible gas almost all day long!!!!!!!

I ate for the past 3 days around 1/2 cup of oatmeal with hot water and drop in 1 tablespoon of almond butter, and IT MAKES ME SO GASSY! :(

I think I will give it up.

Anyone else?
Same for me. I don't mind it but my friends don't think it's funny.:smilielol5:

Maybe try cooking it longer and don't just mix with hot water.
I know with beans it helps a lot if they are cooked longer and even set in the fridge over night after cooking before eating them.

A very low percentage of the starches in some seeds 'resist' being digested ( up to 7% for wheat, and oats and 20% for baked beans) These undigested starches are fermented by the microflora of the colon, producing variable quantities of gas.

Or Maybe you need to reduce the amount and build up?
I found this on another forum:
A quick uptake in your daily fiber consumption will cause gas
Some people are sensitive to oats ... have you tried steel cut oats vs. rolled oats? Or vice versa? I know some people can eat one kind, but not the other.

If you like hot cereal, though, and can't eat oats, you might try quinoa for breakfast. Cooked with some low fat milk and honey or other sweetener, it's really quite good - and full of protein!
I eat steelcut oats, and don't have this problem. But I just may not be sensitive to it.

Quinoa is also good, but pricey (at least around here).