O/T but freaking out

i had a horrible experience last night and i need help. i got really drunk...and i didnt mean to but it happened. i had sex with a guy i didnt even know. i never do this so im freaking out. i just got out of a relationship of 5 years so this is not something i do. im not on birth control. he used a condom but i found it in my room the next day and it didnt look like nething was in it. is it possible for ejaculant to dry up? im getting the emergency contraceptives but i am really freaking out about an STD. i know that HIV has a "window" period and i just wanna know if its possible for ejaculation to dry up in a condom. i dont want to think that maybe he took it off in the middle of the act. i dont want anyone to think bad of me. this is not something that happens but it did to me and im freaking out. im 21 years old and i really dont know what to do. please help me
It sounds like you're taking the right first steps. Get a hold of your doctor to see what else you need to do (and ask these types of questions of). I'd say anyone here (myself included) just want to see you happy and healthy, rather than passing judgement.
Hi Hon. I agree with stingo...you are taking the right steps. I wish I could answer your question, though. I'm not sure, but I will see what I can find out. Stingo is right about something else, too....we are not here to pass judgement. We care for you....((HUGS)).
thank you so much everyone, i didnt think i would get such a quick response. i feel really disgusted with myself, again this never happens to me so i really feel like im this big whore. i believe this guy was taking steroids...so do you think that has nething to do with the absence of ejaculation in the condom. i thought i heard that it causes guys to lose sperm. i have the guys number...do u think it would be wrong for me to ask him straight out what happened. i usually come to think of the worst in situations so right now the big thing im freaking out about is HIV.

Call and find out where you stand - be up front and honest. You have a legitimate concern that needs to be addressed.
he just texted me and asked how i was doing....just said..."how are u" and i just asked him...in a calm manner...and he issnt getting back to me....
yea thats what im guessing...he just told me that there were 2 condoms and the one i saw was the one he didnt use but idk not to sound nasty but i looked through my garbage and didnt find another one.....i shouldnt take his word for it right? ugh i hate guys like this. sorry for turning this forum into a lifetime movie :eek:
First of all, the odds that you'll contract HIV from a one-time experience are pretty slim, especially if your partner wasn't in a known risk group. Yes, it has happened, but the odds are very low. So try not to freak out. However of course to put your mind at ease why not get tested, not just for HIV but other STDs. In any case hopefully the guy is up front about the condom and things were safe. Believe me, you aren't the only 21-year-old girl to find themselves in this kind of situation. Just don't make it a pattern, for your own sake. Good luck and cut down on the booze!

About the condom-- it's possible he was too drunk to finish the act and maybe he doesn't want to admit it.
Why would there be two? I wouldn't take his word for it. You were right to look in the trash, b/c I doubt he took it with him. I hate to sound negative, but chances are, if he were the type to take it off like that, then he probably couldn't be counted on to be honest about it.

What's done is done, so don't down yourself over it. Everyone does things they aren't so proud of. What's important now is how you handle it from this point on. Call your doctor about testing, etc, and go from there. I'm sure it'll all be fine.