Weight-Loss Nutritions,Calorie Intake etc..



New member
So my work out schedule consists of training for a 10 mile race upcoming this April. I have two weekly runs and then a long run on Saturdays. Building up mileage a bit each week. On days that I run, I do upper body weight training, and lower body weights on my off days with crosst raining on a bike or some other cardio.
Then one day of no weights and all cross training cardio (no running.).

I'm 5'3", 163lbs, ...any idea of the # of calories I should be taking in to keep a consistent weight loss? I really struggle with my metabolism, and have for years. Had my thyroid checked several times, nothing shows up. So I'm not sure where to begin anymore.
Considering how much exercise you do, you need a lot of calories each day!

I did a quick Google search for "calories needed", and was the first on the results list. According to it, a person of your height and weight needs just over 2000 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle, where as Very Active gives a result of nearly 3000 calories. These are to maintain weight. For a healthy loss of 1-2 lbs a week, you should subtract 500-1000 from this number, and I would say, given your activity level, don't drop under 1500 calories a day! When you don't get enough calories, it really stunts your metabolism. If you're eating less than this right now, you may gain a little weight initially but once your body gets used to it, it will start buring that weight right off again!

I might also suggest you make sure to get enough carbs and proteins in every day, so don't have the full 1500 in just veggies (although they are also necessary). A serious athlete does not want to be on a fad diet! Carbs are a very efficient source of energy, and protein is best used for muscle building (which in turn burns energy best!). Keep in mind though, I'm no pro, so perhaps a nutritionist consultation would be a good dime spent if you're really serious ;)
Beagle, thanks so much!!! I am thinking about meeting up with a nutritionist but your information is a great starter for me! I really appreciate it!