Sport Nutrition Timing (Rest Days)

Sport Fitness
When setting up a daily plan for cutting should the timing of when you take in your foods be the same on workout days as non workout days? Typically it is protein/complex carb up until prior to the workout. Post workout is simple carbs along with a substantial amount of your protein. For the night hit the healthy fats and such. On your rest days should these stats change or remain the same? If they should change, how?
Well it should change, technically, because your pwo shake alone would not be on a rest day. Your pwo meal, too, would not be a pwo meal because you hadn't worked out. Look into carb cycling. You can either do p/c and p/f meals or progressively reduce your carbs throughout the day, so your first meal(s) would have almost all of your carbs for the day, and your later meals would have a significant amount less and more fats (this is considering protein in every feeding though, obviously)
Thank you AJP. This is what I had figured because you wouldn't need the extra protein and carbs PWO. The carb cycling made sense earlier but I wasn't sure if that would throw the body's timing off or something unexpected. Thank you again for the positive input :D