Weight-Loss Nutrition Secrets For Weight Loss



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Are you trying to lose weight by starving yourself? The truth is starvation is not the right method to lose weight. It deprives the body of nutrition and causes weight retention and weight gain. The nutrition is very important for your weight loss. You can't expect to achieve weight loss if your body doesn't have sufficient nutrition.
If you tried everything to help you lose weight but you are not successful yet. You might have to consider all of these elements.
1. Nutrition: You have to avoid fattening foods and look for low or no-fat foods. Make sure you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat (preferably chicken or salmon rather than red meat), and calcium rich foods like cheese and skim milk.
2. Exercise: Workout at a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Make sure it's an exercise you enjoy. Walking, swimming, cycling are all excellent exercise for weight loss.
3. Deep Breathing: Several times throughout the day, practice deep breathing for about 15 minutes each session. This will help your body to burn energy.
4. Consistency and Persistence: No weight loss, nutrition plan or exercise will help you to lose weight if you don't follow through consistently and with persistence.
One final tip, eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day rather than 3 big meals, and avoid eating within four hours of your bed time. Eating at this late hour can cause you to get improper sleep and it can cause you to gain weight.
Follow these tips for weight loss: nutrition and exercise according to your weight loss plan, and you'll soon see results
I think the majority of this information can already be found in the sticky threads of both nutrition and exercise areas. And I disagree with your final tip. Eating 5-6 small meals doesn't work for everyone, we all have different eating patterns that work for us... and while this method works for some, others it can be detrimental to. And also eating late is not necessarily bad either, as long as you are getting your daily calories in the timing is not important. Although one should allow for your food to settle for at least 2 hours before going to bed (for digestion purposes) sleeping on a full tummy wont make you gain weight.

Your intentions are good in nature so please don't take this the wrong way. :)
I don't think they're good in nature.

He/she is here only to drive traffic to his or her site and make money by selling 'secrets.'

That's bullshit where I come from.
I don't think they're good in nature.

He/she is here only to drive traffic to his or her site and make money by selling 'secrets.'

That's bullshit where I come from.


I don't buy the whole "you'll gain weight if you eat late at night" theory. I think it's BS. Eating late at night makes it hard for me to sleep well and it sometimes gives me heartburn, but that's not what made me fat. Eating too much + not exercising enough + doing that for many years = fat me.
I wasn't sure if the OP was here to drive traffic or not... and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelers...
The best way for me is eating low glycemic foods. Eating foods with a low glycemic index helps greatly with weight loss. Helping to eliminate hunger and boost energy. You are what ya eat.

Staceylikeslowglycemicrecipes.net :hurray: