I’m 19, 5”10, 65kg (145lb), and have odd fat distribution. I’d say I’m equivalent to 12% b.f. above the hips and maybe 25% below! I can thank sitting at my PC whilst doing amateur exercise (occasional pushups, situps, and what not) before uni for that one.
Since uni (September), I joined the gym and focussed on cardio and resistance machines (so I’m relatively healthy now).
About 2 months ago I started taking weight training more seriously, and adjusted my routine and nutrition accordingly – sacrificing convenience for gain, and ease for PAIN (dig the rhymin skills?)
Anyway, I’ve put together a 3-day workout, repeating fortnightly. Although you’re probably all familiar with this, the idea was to take 6-8 exercises for each muscle but do half of them one week and the other half the following week, then repeat (the benefits being obvious). In practice, for me this tends to end up doing mainly machines one week and dumbbells the next [unfortunately my gym isn’t good on free weights].
I’ll keep it vague to save on your eyes and time, but the workout is as follows:
Mon: Biceps, Delts, & Upper Back
Weds: Legs, Abs, & Obliques
Sat: Pecs, Triceps, & Traps
Although the muscles do inevitably get worked more than once a week (auxiliary), I put quite a lot of thought into coming up with the specific exercises included so I think that aspect is okay. I go for 4 x 10 reps (should I be adjusting rate of movement to aim for failure each set, or finish the first couple with lots left? In fact, what’s the best set-rep technique?)
My main concern is my eating habits. Besides the other negative side effects of being a 1st year student (the drinking & kebabs!), I’m on catered halls and regretting it plenty. I get breakfast and dinner provided during the week and neither are what anyone could call healthy.
So I’d like to run my workout evening nutrition by you:
6pm: Full meal (always some type of chips + poor meat)
8pm: Shake (22g whey protein in ½ pint of water) & banana
8.15pm: Workout
9:30pm: Shake (35g whey protein in ½ pint of water) with 10g of pure dextrose + banana
11pm: White egg omelet (4 eggs) with ½ can of tuna
[ Following day: (9am) Protein shake, (11am) 4 boiled egg whites + bacon/sausage + cereal (2pm) ]
I used to believe that carbs were only good beforehand for energy during the workout, and all you needed was protein afterward to rebuild muscle (especially if you’re trying to cut and don’t want those carbs so late at night).
But I read that highly glycemic carbs are vital immediately post workout, to elevate insulin and replenish glycogen in the muscles, so I added the dextrose (should the tablets be crumbled and put in the shake or sucked? And how many grams should I take?). Also, can milk be slotted it (I hear it’s goooood) either here or on recovery days? I like the concept of adding it to a shake before bed for slow absorption, (or post workout for the dextrose & insulinogenic properties), but is there any need on the recovery day (~28hrs after workout)? I’ve read that muscle takes up to 72hrs to repair, but if protein sources are limited (due to cost & lifestyle), what period after the workout is most crucial to dowse yourself in it?
My other question regards calories: I eat carefully and although I aim for about 6 meals a day (5 real + 2 shakes), am probably in minor caloric deficit on workout days, as I also walk the half-hour to and from uni those days (but mostly sit on my ass on recovery days as there’s no class).
How crucial is this in terms of lean muscle gain? I’m mainly in this for low body fat and definition - I don’t want to get big just for the sake of it, and would probably sooner put on just 1kg lean muscle than 2kg muscle and 1kg fat with it (arbitrary figures).
Although I can’t tell how many calories are in that 6pm dinner, how many would you recommend on a training day given my weight etc, and how many on recovery day (given I’m still looking to cut below the waist)?
If you made it this far, thanks a lot, I appreciate it!
Since uni (September), I joined the gym and focussed on cardio and resistance machines (so I’m relatively healthy now).
About 2 months ago I started taking weight training more seriously, and adjusted my routine and nutrition accordingly – sacrificing convenience for gain, and ease for PAIN (dig the rhymin skills?)
Anyway, I’ve put together a 3-day workout, repeating fortnightly. Although you’re probably all familiar with this, the idea was to take 6-8 exercises for each muscle but do half of them one week and the other half the following week, then repeat (the benefits being obvious). In practice, for me this tends to end up doing mainly machines one week and dumbbells the next [unfortunately my gym isn’t good on free weights].
I’ll keep it vague to save on your eyes and time, but the workout is as follows:
Mon: Biceps, Delts, & Upper Back
Weds: Legs, Abs, & Obliques
Sat: Pecs, Triceps, & Traps
Although the muscles do inevitably get worked more than once a week (auxiliary), I put quite a lot of thought into coming up with the specific exercises included so I think that aspect is okay. I go for 4 x 10 reps (should I be adjusting rate of movement to aim for failure each set, or finish the first couple with lots left? In fact, what’s the best set-rep technique?)
My main concern is my eating habits. Besides the other negative side effects of being a 1st year student (the drinking & kebabs!), I’m on catered halls and regretting it plenty. I get breakfast and dinner provided during the week and neither are what anyone could call healthy.
So I’d like to run my workout evening nutrition by you:
6pm: Full meal (always some type of chips + poor meat)
8pm: Shake (22g whey protein in ½ pint of water) & banana
8.15pm: Workout
9:30pm: Shake (35g whey protein in ½ pint of water) with 10g of pure dextrose + banana
11pm: White egg omelet (4 eggs) with ½ can of tuna
[ Following day: (9am) Protein shake, (11am) 4 boiled egg whites + bacon/sausage + cereal (2pm) ]
I used to believe that carbs were only good beforehand for energy during the workout, and all you needed was protein afterward to rebuild muscle (especially if you’re trying to cut and don’t want those carbs so late at night).
But I read that highly glycemic carbs are vital immediately post workout, to elevate insulin and replenish glycogen in the muscles, so I added the dextrose (should the tablets be crumbled and put in the shake or sucked? And how many grams should I take?). Also, can milk be slotted it (I hear it’s goooood) either here or on recovery days? I like the concept of adding it to a shake before bed for slow absorption, (or post workout for the dextrose & insulinogenic properties), but is there any need on the recovery day (~28hrs after workout)? I’ve read that muscle takes up to 72hrs to repair, but if protein sources are limited (due to cost & lifestyle), what period after the workout is most crucial to dowse yourself in it?
My other question regards calories: I eat carefully and although I aim for about 6 meals a day (5 real + 2 shakes), am probably in minor caloric deficit on workout days, as I also walk the half-hour to and from uni those days (but mostly sit on my ass on recovery days as there’s no class).
How crucial is this in terms of lean muscle gain? I’m mainly in this for low body fat and definition - I don’t want to get big just for the sake of it, and would probably sooner put on just 1kg lean muscle than 2kg muscle and 1kg fat with it (arbitrary figures).
Although I can’t tell how many calories are in that 6pm dinner, how many would you recommend on a training day given my weight etc, and how many on recovery day (given I’m still looking to cut below the waist)?
If you made it this far, thanks a lot, I appreciate it!