Weight-Loss Nutrition in spices?



New member
Hi I had a nutrition question that I have been wondering about. I watch my calories pretty carefully. I like to add some spices to give my food a little extra flavor. I use a cinnamon and nutmeg on my oatmeal a lot. Are there a significant amount of calories in these? Am I taking an otherwise healthy dish and making it unhealthy?

I watch the salt carefully, but I put pepper on a lot of stuff. Other favorites include cumin, ginger, cayenne, basil, oregano, tarragon. Just curious. Thanks in advance.

I honestly wouldn't worry about it...it's so small and it's not worth fretting over. You're estimation of food consumed throughout the day will probably produce a greater error than not including spices. Going easy on the salt is good though! :)
17 calories in one tablespoon of cinnamon.

(also 14% of daily fiber)

I seriously doubt you are adding that much cinnamon in your food. Really, it's almost non-existant.
cinnamon and nutmeg definitely won't make you fat :) I'd like to see anyone actually EAT enough cinnamon and/or nutmeg to gain weight.
Chili pepper as one of the spices will put you to a hyper sweating when added to some ingredients. It can lessen your weight because you will be releasing fats. Too much of these spices is also a bad thing for us. Let us just put everything into moderation. For more information you have to check out the link .
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Thanks for the replies. The spices are how I keep it real and change things up. I have gotten into cooking a lot over the past couple of years. I would not say I am a great cook, but I am getting pretty good at seasoning up an otherwise boring dish to make it taste better.

Eating healthy doesn't have to be all bland and blah. Just a little bit of cinnamon, and a tiny bit of honey (I know it is very sugary, I go very light with it) can really pep up some boring oatmeal.
Chili pepper as one of the spices will put you to a hyper sweating when added to some ingredients. It can lessen your weight because you will be releasing fats. Too much of these spices is also a bad thing for us. Let us just put everything into moderation. For more information you have to check out the link .

Meeep, wrong. There is no releasing of fats going on. There might be some slight dehydration going on but releasing of fats, not so.

Apologies if that sounded harsh, but it is simply untrue.
I don't think chilli boosts your metabolism anywhere near what people think it does. It can make you sweat if you eat alot of it but thats not anything negligable- your heart isn;t beating that much faster (unless you've enaten enough to cause your body to go into shock).

As far as spices go, look at spice mixes with caution- some have added sugar and salt, some have added hydrated fats and oils.