Sport Nutrition Help For Upcomming School

Sport Fitness
School for me starts like mid-August, and I don't know if I'm going to try to bulk through the school year or not.

I wake up every morning at 6 AM and am on the bus by 6:40. Then my lunch is around noon or so (their meals arn't really bad, but they're not like I'm used to and quite a bit of their stuff is deepfried). And I'm home by around 4 PM.

The thing is, I don't have time between classes to get in my 6 meals a day, so that's out of the question.

I may just go on a maintain and HIIT program for...well...the school year, that's like 10 months long.

I tried muscle building for the last 4 or 5 months of school last year (January to June, I think, and am still doing it now because I can eat 6 times a day and get good protein in during the days) and I didn't notice much size difference, I mean, there was differences, but they're not as much as I've noticed gaining in the last 2 months.

What do you think? Should I just stop going to build, and just maintain and lose fat for the year or should I still lift to gain even though I may not get the best diet during the school year?

Not sure what I could take for my lunch, maybe a protein drink and a sandwich and carrots or something...I hate screws everything up!!:SaiyanSmilie_anim:
First off Diet is everything with a bulk. Not eating enough and lifting, not going to get anywhere so yes if you can't put effort and focus into eating and training then just be.

That being said, there is no reason why you can't get food in during a school day and multiple times a day. If you have 1 min where you are walking from class to class and have a book bag, problem solved. Keep nuts, protein bars, jerky, sandwiches, whatever you need to get in your nutrients. It is all about dedication, if you make it important, you will get results.
i make my food at night so i can just bring it in a bag to school the next day...why can't you do that? it makes everything much easier
Keep nuts, protein bars, jerky, sandwiches, whatever you need to get in your nutrients.

I guess I never thought about that that's kinda sad...

Do you recommend any good kind of protein bars? Quality is important, but my parents control how much money I can spend, and I know that some of the nutrition bars are like $2 a piece, and they won't go for that.