Sport Nutrition for building up.

Sport Fitness
Hi, I'm looking to build up. I've been training at a high standard for about a year, and progress is a bit slow going, so am wondering if it is my diet.

I am a 19 year old Male.
I weigh 70 Kilos and am 174 cm's tall. (like, 154 pounds and 5'8)

I don't have a set diet, or eating times.
I eat a lot of Chicken, Eggs, Vegetables (Mainly Brocolli, Mushrooms, Peas, Carrots, Salad) and Fruit (Mainly Bananas, Apples, Melon), Oats , Have fish a couple of times a week, Drink water, milk and Juice. And I eat when I am hungry. I take about 3-5 scoops of Whey protein per day.
Hear so many different and conflicting things about workout diets. Should I be sticking to a set diet daily? Or a weekly one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thankyou.
If you want to be able to monitor your results and what works for you then you will have to stick to some sort of set diet. The best thing to do is to use and online calorie calculator to work out your BMR - or the amount of calories your body burns at rest, and from there to work out how many calories you should be eating in order to build muscle. Body Building dot com has all the info about muscle gain nutrition and exercises that you need. Once you have worked out how many calories you should be eating you should take a bit of time to work out a rough menu plan. There are many online calorie counter websites that will help you to figure out the amount of calories in the main foods you are eating.
Aim to eat 5-6 small meals a day and eat protein with every meal. Always make sure you have a protein shake straight after your workout in order to refuel your muscles.
Once you get used to having a bit of a routine with your diet you can start tweaking it according to the results you are getting.
The same thing goes for your training. If you are not keeping track of your weights, sets and reps and constantly challenging yourself, you wont see much muscle growth. Work out a split that works for you and stick to it for at least a month to see what results you get. It is good to change things up all the time so that your muscles get shocked into action. Do a 4 day split for a month, then maybe switch to a 3 day split and keep changing it up. If you want help designing a program just google it or once again use the body building dot com website.
For nutrition, you should eat upwards of 6 meals a day. Since you say you are having a hard time gaining weight, these meals should consist of 500 - 600 calories, 50 - 60g of carbs and 20 - 35g of protein each. For weight training, you should be pushing yourself every single workout. Do sets that are 70 - 90% of your max.
Nutrition things depends upon your worth if you have easy hand then you can easily provide your body every type of nutritious diet in which red meat as well fish is counted.
take high protein diet according to your tolerance levels. And weight training exercises. i think that's sufficient