Sport nutrition/exercise plan??

Sport Fitness
What do you think?
I am female, 6'1", 160 lbs. and looking to drop another 15 lbs. I basically follow the WW plan (22 points/day) and work out 60 min. 5-6 times a week. I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the arc-trainer. I hate lifting weights!

I eat:
breakfast: slim-fast
snack: light popcorn (100 cal.)
lunch: slim-fast, banana
snack: lean cuisine entree or oatmeal
dinner: lean cusine entree, oatmeal, etc.
This ends up to be 22 points on the WW plan which is the recommended amount for someone my height/weight.

What do you think? I have lost about 15 lbs. in the last month! I drink plenty of water as well!
if its working for you i guess its okay then but i'm not a expert on thet i just eat healthy and exercise to stay that way. however as far as not lifting weights you should re think this especially as a woman. you need to think about osteporisis. or however you spell it! you need to have weight baring exercise to build up your bone density to head off trouble later in life. lifting also tones your bod and make everyday stuff easier to do. mid thirties your bone density is at its peak and then for your fourties they say it goes down hill. this is soo important. you need to put stress on your bones to build them up- that takes about 8 weeks to build up a layer the stronger and denser your bones the better for you in the long run. its proven more effective than diet to be.
thats okay iam a woman and the guys have some great advice to give in this forum so don't worry about it.