Nutrition Bars?

Whats the best Nutrition bars to take as meal replacements when i'm too busy to grab food. Currently I weigh 201 and am trying to get down too 180.

Should I go for the low carb stuff with lower sugar or just eat the regular protein ones. What about xyience breakfast bars?
i am no expert on this but the ones that say "meal replacement bar" are the ones that you want to go with. Try to find ones that are natural; usually the low carb bars put tons of splenda or aspertame in it to sweeten it up. I recommend a peanut nature bar; dont worry about the amount of fat if it is natural just make sure the saturated fat is below 6 ><. Trans fats are definately a NO; pass up a bar even if it has 1 gram trans fat.
If you get a chance to make you own and then save them for when you need them thats so much better for you.

Here are some recipes on this page

I vary some things from all recipes but these are good starts and at least not processed.

As far as store bought goes if you must just try and look for a high fiber, high protein, low/non sugar bar. Health food stores are the best to find these. You might have to spend a few minutes reading the backs of wrappers.
I would definitely recommend the high protein, low in sugar. There are a lot of bars out there that are very high in sugar 20 plus grams.

A great bar is the MHP Macrobolic very low in sugar, great tasting and definitely filling, check it out another good one although not as good tasting is the Universal Nutrition Dr. Carb Rite Bar if you are worried about the carb content .

Whatever you decide to take, remember they are meal replacements, so don't abuse them. Also remember they are no replacement for sound nutrition found in every day foods like tuna, eggs, chicken etc...

"Committed to Your Health"
So you guys don't recommend the Xyience bars. And what about bars that have real sugar not splenda or aspartame?
that stuff is literally poison; no joke
the only reason it isnt sugar is b/c your body sees it as an indigestible "invader" in your body, so it never gets digested into your bloodstream; it is attacked as if it was a threat and disposed of quickly.
if the bar is more naturaly sugar it is DEFINITLY better; chocolate: not ok (i eat them anyway : P)
i would recommend xyience bars because they have good protein and fiber coming from mostly natural ingredients. I never tasted one kuz they are so xpensive tho ><.
Proteinboy said:
that stuff is literally poison; no joke
the only reason it isnt sugar is b/c your body sees it as an indigestible "invader" in your body, so it never gets digested into your bloodstream; it is attacked as if it was a threat and disposed of quickly.
if the bar is more naturaly sugar it is DEFINITLY better; chocolate: not ok (i eat them anyway : P)
i would recommend xyience bars because they have good protein and fiber coming from mostly natural ingredients. I never tasted one kuz they are so xpensive tho ><.

xyience have sucralose...splenda = sucralose. Seems you've already let it touch your lips
i decided to go with zone perfect bars cause they are all natural.
Here are the stats are these good for weight loss having maybe 1 a day for a meal when i'm too busy to grab something.

Chocolate Mint Zone bar
Total Fat 7g
Saturated fat 5g
trans fat 0g
cholesterol <5
Sodium 260mg
Total CArbohydrate 21g
Dietary Fiber <1g
Sugars 13g
Protein 16g

Their are the stats

They taste really good let me know
Although I like the Zone Perfect Bars myself, they are very low in Protein content, typically 15g and very high in sugar content 13g. I also used to eat the Promax bars... very high in protein 20+ grams, but also very high in sugar 26g (no wonder they taste so good).

A great bar as mentioned earlier is the MHP Probolic bars, sugars 3g, protein 21g and very good tasting... it does also contain sucralose, but I have a hard time tasting it (and I am not a big fan of artificial sweeteners).
Anything with suraclose like splenda makes me dizzy right after I eat it for some reason. Aspartame however doesn't. Thats why I have met-rx mrp shakes and not myoplex. cause met-rx uses aspartame and myoplex uses splenda.
And is 13 grams of sugar really so bad? If i just eat perhaps 1 a day. i mean 8 ounces of coke has like 26 grams of sugar.
just take a look back at the link someone gave me; make your own because they have whole grains(oatmeal) and you can put healthy sweeteners in them like honey or extra peanutbutter. i have already made 2 batches of the high protein bars and they taste really good. : )