nothing to do with fitness

ok so nothing to do with fitnessbut here it is any way. i won an award yesterday for the work i do in the commmunity and for the teaching i do for young children, but the kicker was i found out that i am 2nd in class and 1st in labs. i'm stoked and i can not share with my class mates(i can't glost to them it'd be wrong) but i'm so proud that my hard work is paying off.yay.
Good for you!
koodos to you. i think it is totally cool that you would express the need to share your success. Nice!! VERY NICE in deed. Transparency!!! Good for you.


I know you don't do it for the recognition, but it sure is nice when you get some. Plus you've got some great karma there in giving of yourself to others. Fitness is often a solitary self-absorbed endeavor - it's a good thing to remind yourself to give something back as well. Good on ya and congrats! :)
lol who bumped this? guys this thread is anchient in forum years