Sport Not Working

Sport Fitness
I been doing that Work Out I have posted Down Below Labeled progress and i seem to be gaining weight and looking chunkier in my abs is it because of all the crunches and situps should i stop doing them.....could it also me eating breakfast then going back to bed if not its prlly be eating like 1 hour before i go to bed....and i havnt done that now im stoping them 2 eating's
it's only been 11 days, give it a little more time before you label something as ineffective. seems like a descent routine and diet, i say 2 more weeks, then make your judgment. but eating and then sleeping isn't helping.
When people make rules like that for themselves, sometimes it's as if they can eat as much as they want at 8:50 as long as they don't eat past nine. A rule like that can lead to more harmful things.