Not sure where to put this but...

Thanks Mike for info it told me my BMI is 33.1 and
my ideal weight is 147 medically 11-147! I have 150
as a goal wonder if I should shoot for the 140/145?
I would be happy at 150 but I wanna be healthy also!:)
1 Positive note I put in 255 and my BMI used to be 43.8
so much better on that note.Tammy
It says that my personal choice ideal weight is 192lbs. Now I don't know how true that is, I don't know any girl my age and height that would want to be 192lbs. lol.

I mean I would kill to be 192lbs right now, but I don't think that is the average weight of what is really wanted.
Thanks for the link Mike, it's always good to get a range of ideas as to what is considered healthy weight!
well it is a healthier weight...

This shows the average weight that other people of your Age, Height, Weight and Gender would describe as their ideal weight.

I think guides are just that. They are not set in stone.