Not losing weight despite caloric deficit


New member
I am a 30 year old, 6'3" male.

On August 26, 2012, I weighed 319.6 pounds. I decided I wanted to lose weight. I immediately began eating exactly 1000 calories per day.

I was very diligent in calorie tracking, and since that day I have not felt the temptation to cheat or eat more than the 1000/day even once. Mentally it has been the easiest thing ever.

I am currently 249.2 pounds.

A little over a month ago, I decided that I wished to start upping my daily calories. Not because I wanted or felt the physical need to eat more. (I have had no fatigue or energy or weakness problems) I simply wanted to do it because I understand that by eating a low amount of calories, my metabolism will slow down significantly, and I wanted to boost it back up closer to my BMR (which according to several calculators is at LEAST 2300)

To do this, I adopted a plan of my own making as follows: I would up my daily calories by 100 everytime I had a Monday morning (first thing in the morning after peeing) weigh-in at the next 5 pound mark.

So when I went below 260 pounds on a Monday, I upped it to 1100/day. When I went below 255 pounds on a Monday, I upped it to 1200/day. When I went below 250 pounds on a Monday, I upped it to 1300/day.

My current situation and problem is that my weight loss seems to have reversed or at best halted.

Here are my weights over the past 7 days

245.6, 246.4, 248.0, 248.2, 246.4, 249.6, 249.2, 249.2 (today)

My exercise level is: for the most part I don't exercise or wish to exercise for the following reasons:

-I have a plantar injury which I'm nursing
-I don't believe that exercise is necessary. Thermodynamically, I don't see a huge difference between exercise and simply restricting calories more.
-I used to run marathons and I probably will again when I get under 220 pounds or so.
-I don't have time
-I don't want to.

However two times a week or so I'll go on a 2-3 mile walk if I'm bored. Or sometimes I'll go on fairly treacherous 3+ mile hikes. Sometimes I eat more to compensate for the extra calorie burn of the exercise according to a formula I devised:

(calories burnt exercising)-(BMR*(time spent exercising)/(24 hours)) <-- this is pretty simple and obvious. i take the extra calories i earned exercising and subtract the calories i would have passively burned anyway if i hadn't exercised.

Sometimes I don't bother eating extra. (too lazy or unappetized to eat.)

For the most part I'm not very hungry and it's something of a chore to get through the 1300 calories I have set myself at per day.

So my question is: is this a fluke that will pass if I keep on going the way I'm going or am I doing something wrong?
It appears that you are a very good record keeper and counter of calories consumed and burned. You need to identify if you have burned the calories you have consumed. When you burn more than you consume you ultimately lose weight. When you consume more than you burn the reverse will happen. You will gain weight.
Currently around 238-240. I've actually been running. Plantar hasn't been giving me much trouble and I've finally started incorporating the therapy to cure it into my daily routine.

I'm very conservative about adding things to my routine because my time is ideally spend 40% playing video games, 30% watching anime/tv shows/movies, and 30% sleeping.

It pisses me off when things interfere with what I want to do. But I do love running and I used to run marathons. It's kind of funny that when I was 320 pounds and looking as fat as a whale, I was still able to go out and run a mile if I wanted. And now at 240 I'm running 3 milers in less than 20 minutes again. That's less than 6:40 per mile. Which is over a minute-per-mile slower than when I was a kid, but it will improve since I only started running 3 days ago.
Actually weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else before I am a fat lady but because of the proper exercise I get what I want. Thanks to my trainer Tim for making me feel that nothing is impossible. Actually I recommend him to you guys he is the best trainer I've met. If you want check his website for you to have an idea on what I say.
Well I'm at 232.2 now. That's 87.4 pounds lost in a tad over 5.5 months. I ran in the Austin marathon this sunday.

At my height, my weight is looking good. Some people are telling me I look skinny now.

I run a couple 4-milers during the week and a 7 miler on Sunday. The 7 miler burns around 1200 calories. That's about 1/3 a pound of core fat weight.