Not just another smoking thread.

I've been a smoker for many years. I've also trained heavily and kicked as* whiile smoking but have every now and then came back to look at the science of the pros andcons.. as you do.

I continue to smoke mainly because of the bio-thermal heating in mobilising kidney toxins, whiich I was kiind of thinking of hitting my schools lab to document alternatives via infrared heat lamps or sauna stints as I came down throuh and symptomatically treated the withdrawls with the alternatives, as my fluid balance is probably thee most noticable part for myself, but apparently there are more things to it aswell.

Like apparently it prevents alzheimers ( i imagine by mobilising the junk in your conductive brain fluids ), but then it apparently also increases risk of dementia.. probably because everyone around you insists you're being a silly fool.

I found this article *we do not allow clickable links in our posts anymore, any post containing a clickable link will be edited*

This is probably one of my biggest health issues I'd like to continue to find more information about and staying open to giving up . If anyone has opinion they can give about some of the benefits smoking or something to add according to some studies based on some reeal science to answer those queries, I would sincerely appreciate the input.

Thank you ( presumptuos as that is.)

Bloloming Lotus.
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This is certainly an interesting perspective. Looking into the benefits of smoking!

Bottom line is, regardless of any positives, the negatives surely outweigh them all. Would I really benefit from preventing altzeimers if I get lung cancer for example?

If you're open to giving up, just do it. I can think of any number of reasons to carry on smoking but, they're just excuses fuelled by my long standing addiction to nicoteen.

Best of luck whatever you decide.
I think the idea is that if the choice by then was dementia or alzheimers, they maay be over the danger period in regard to that cancer.

Can you tell me wherrre exactly in a comparative report the negatives outweeigh the pros??.. I would Love to see that!:D

Blooming tianshi lotus.
I continue to smoke mainly because of the bio-thermal heating in mobilising kidney toxins, whiich I was kiind of thinking of hitting my schools lab to document alternatives via infrared heat lamps or sauna stints as I came down throuh and symptomatically treated the withdrawls with the alternatives, as my fluid balance is probably thee most noticable part for myself, but apparently there are more things to it aswell.

No - you continue to smoke because you're an addict to it, don't try putting a positive spin on something that kills millions worldwide, and thats just those who don't smoke (passive smoking).

People continue to smoke because they can't give it up. Not because of the bio-thermal heating etc etc (which by the way, is utter ****e.)
I've been a smoker for many years. I've also trained heavily and kicked as* whiile smoking but have every now and then came back to look at the science of the pros andcons.. as you do.

I continue to smoke mainly because of the bio-thermal heating in mobilising kidney toxins, whiich I was kiind of thinking of hitting my schools lab to document alternatives via infrared heat lamps or sauna stints as I came down throuh and symptomatically treated the withdrawls with the alternatives, as my fluid balance is probably thee most noticable part for myself, but apparently there are more things to it aswell.

Like apparently it prevents alzheimers ( i imagine by mobilising the junk in your conductive brain fluids ), but then it apparently also increases risk of dementia.. probably because everyone around you insists you're being a silly fool.

I found this article *we do not allow clickable links in our posts anymore, any post containing a clickable link will be edited*

This is probably one of my biggest health issues I'd like to continue to find more information about and staying open to giving up . If anyone has opinion they can give about some of the benefits smoking or something to add according to some studies based on some reeal science to answer those queries, I would sincerely appreciate the input.

Thank you ( presumptuos as that is.)

Bloloming Lotus.

:rolleyes: ..........................
To hear someone preach the "Pros" of smoking not only makes me mad, but also makes me wonder how someone with such a lacking in the mind such as yourself can truly be out side of a mental institution.
Aww, BL's posts were always good for a quick laugh while bored at work!

On a serious note though, smoking has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimers, so not all of that post was BS. I'm more than a little sceptical about the bio-thermal heating though :rolleyes:

It's also worth noting that if you smoke from the age of 18 until you're 50 the chance of you getting lung cancer is still only 8% and even then you can reduce those odds by 35% with regular exercise. (Not that the anti-smoking lobby would ever publish that)
It's also worth noting that if you smoke from the age of 18 until you're 50 the chance of you getting lung cancer is still only 8% and even then you can reduce those odds by 35% with regular exercise. (Not that the anti-smoking lobby would ever publish that)

I thought I should add that the chances of a non-smoker getting lung cancer is 0.2%, just in case you thought I was saying that smoking is safe. All I was trying to say is that ad campaigns like 'Quit Or Die' that are seen in the UK are inaccurate.
Compared to nonsmokers, men who smoke are about 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer and women who smoke are about 13 times more likely.
Smoking IS linked to about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% in women.
The surgeon general estimates that more than 400,000 deaths are attributable to smoking annually in the United States.

While fewer Americans light up every day, smoking-related deaths still costs the nation about $92 billion a year in the form of lost productivity, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

About 12 times more British people have died from smoking than from World War II.
Cigarettes Contribute to more than one in five American deaths.
Heres what smoking gets you

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (gum disease)

Muscle injuries

Angina (20 x risk)

Neck pain

Back pain

Nystagmus (abnormal eye movements)

Buerger’s Disease (severe circulatory disease)

Ocular Histoplasmosis (fungal eye infection)

Duodenal ulcer

Osteoporosis (in both sexes)

Cataract (2 x risk)


Cataract, posterior subcapsular (3 x risk)

***** (Erectile dysfunction)

Colon Polyps

Peripheral vascular disease

Crohn’s Disease (chronic inflamed bowel)



Psoriasis (2 x risk)

Diabetes (Type 2, non-insulin dependent)

Skin wrinkling (2 x risk)

Hearing loss

Stomach ulcer


Rheumatoid arthritis (for heavy smokers) [6]

Impotence (2 x risk)

Tendon injuries

Optic Neuropathy (loss of vision, 16 x risk)

Tobacco Amblyopia (loss of vision)

Ligament injuries

Tooth loss

Macular degeneration (eyes, 2 x risk)


Function impaired in smokers

Ejaculation (volume reduced)

Sperm count reduced

Fertility (30% lower in women)

Sperm motility impaired

Immune System (impaired)

Sperm less able to penetrate the ovum

Menopause (onset 1.74 years early on average)

Sperm shape abnormalities increased

Symptoms worse in smokers


Graves’ disease (over-active thyroid gland)

Chronic rhinitis (chronic inflammation of the nose)

Multiple Sclerosis

Diabetic retinopathy (eyes)

Optic Neuritis (eyes)

Disease more severe or persistent in smokers

Common cold


Crohn’s Disease (chronic inflamed bowel)



And Higher risk for many many cancers including but not limited to "Lung,mouth, and throat."
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Idiot, Compared to nonsmokers, men who smoke are about 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer and women who smoke are about 13 times more likely.
Smoking IS linked to about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% in women.

You called me an idiot and then quoted the same figures as me!!

I'll explain, I said that non-smokers have a 0.2% chance of getting cancer and a 50 y/o smoker has and 8% chance. That equates to him (or her) being 40 times more likely to get cancer than the non-smoker.

You called me an idiot but I was saying that cancer increases the risk of getting cancer by more than you did!!!

My point was that although smoking is dangereous, most of the anti-smoking literature is inaccurate. The problem is that if someone dares to point out the actual figures as I just did they get called an idiot dispite being correct
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Haha my mistake, I thought i saw (.02%) and (.8%) - Quite early lol sorry my friend for calling you an idiot, i shouldn't have been in such a rush ;).

I corrected my post accordingly.
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No problem, although now it looks like I just responded to a voice in my head calling me an idiot :D