Weight-Loss Not enough fat? Whoodathunkit



New member
Grrr... I've been planning out my diet using the Sparkpeople meal planner (which is a great tool) only to find that I'm getting to maybe 20 g of fat a day and they recommend at least 27, so I've been consciously trying to include more healthy fat but it's kind of tough unless I do the same thing every day (shaking some pine nuts on my salad). That gets boring after a while.

My husband doesn't like fatty things, and we've been eating low-fat or fat-free alternatives for over a year now, with increasingly less meat... have I messed up my body by not consuming enough of it? What kind of signs would my body give me if I wasn't eating enough fat?

Heh... I know how this sounds, and I bet people would kill to have my "problem" (right? fistful of M&Ms'll clear that right up) I certainly have things like sausage links and cheese sitting in the fridge, but I don't want to use this as an excuse to add something unhealthy to my diet, especially since I just started it and would rather not ruin it.

Are there any "good" sources of fat besides nuts and fish I should know about?
Cheese is good for you.
Avocado, almonds, peanuts, flax seeds, olive oil. Any of those can easily be added to your salad. I put flax seeds on my breakfast yoghurt. All of the above contain high amounts of so called good fats, which your body needs for all kinds of things. Not getting enough fat from your nutrition can mess up your hormones and give you vitamin deficiencies just to name a few problems it can cause. The fat in cheese is not "good" kind, but cheese has other good and recommendable qualities...
I use: mixed nuts, mixed seeds, avocados, oily fish (mainly sardines and wild salmon), extra virgin olive oil, and organic cold pressed flax oil. There are also low levels of good oils in some vegetables, especially fresh greens. I also have some fish oil capsules for back up, but I don't reckon that I need them ;) Cheese is full of saturated fat - its not a good source of oils.
good fats

flax seed oil capsules and fish oil capsules are great to take every day for your heart, memory and all kinds of things.

I eat all the good fats but take these daily also.
Have a pizza with extra cheese topping a couple of times .This will take you back to ol' times