Weight-Loss Not eating after 8pm



New member
Hello, I've got a question if someone could answer;

I have lost 12 lbs over the summer, school has started and I've gained 1lb in 2 days. I've also noticed I'm much hungrier than I have previously been and therefore been eating more snacks.

I do 30 minutes of cardio everyday as well as 1.5 hours of weights a day. I was watching The Dr. Oz Show today and he was giving some tips on losing weight. One was to not eat past 8pm.

Now.. I eat a lot at night. And I know a reason for that pound that I gained is because I'm consuming more calories than I have been. I'm going to try to not eat past 8 and see where that gets me, but first.. after giving this brief background, here is my question; does this include not drinking? I'm literally not sure if I can not consume anything past 8, considering on some nights I go to bed at 1-2.

So am I ''allowed'' to drink water to at least give my stomach the impression of being full?

Sorry for the long message.. first time poster. Any answer is appreciated.
Just so long as you know, the time you eat makes no difference in terms of weight loss, its just the reduction in calories that will make the difference, there are no magic time slots in terms of losing weight.

Drink what and when you like, just remember to include the calories in your count and make sure you have enough for them.

And if its any help, I used to be anorexic, I did this by only eating at night.
Just so long as you know, the time you eat makes no difference in terms of weight loss, its just the reduction in calories that will make the difference, there are no magic time slots in terms of losing weight.

Drink what and when you like, just remember to include the calories in your count and make sure you have enough for them.

And if its any help, I used to be anorexic, I did this by only eating at night.

100% true.... time periods are a myth.. doesnt matter what time you eat, its the food/calories that matter.
Couple things:

You're eating more because you're probably more active now that you're in school and your body is wanting more calories to give you energy needed to make it through the day. So don't worry about that, just keep working out and adjust your calorie intake for the extra work you're doing.

The timing of calories doesn't make a difference, but consider this: If you stay awake long enough to want an extra meal, that's a lot of extra calories you're putting into your body. Unless you're still getting 8 hours of sleep everyday, consider going to bed earlier as a way to skip out on those extra, unnecessary calories. Plus you'll have more energy the next day which could lead to more productive workouts.