Hello, I've got a question if someone could answer;
I have lost 12 lbs over the summer, school has started and I've gained 1lb in 2 days. I've also noticed I'm much hungrier than I have previously been and therefore been eating more snacks.
I do 30 minutes of cardio everyday as well as 1.5 hours of weights a day. I was watching The Dr. Oz Show today and he was giving some tips on losing weight. One was to not eat past 8pm.
Now.. I eat a lot at night. And I know a reason for that pound that I gained is because I'm consuming more calories than I have been. I'm going to try to not eat past 8 and see where that gets me, but first.. after giving this brief background, here is my question; does this include not drinking? I'm literally not sure if I can not consume anything past 8, considering on some nights I go to bed at 1-2.
So am I ''allowed'' to drink water to at least give my stomach the impression of being full?
Sorry for the long message.. first time poster. Any answer is appreciated.
I have lost 12 lbs over the summer, school has started and I've gained 1lb in 2 days. I've also noticed I'm much hungrier than I have previously been and therefore been eating more snacks.
I do 30 minutes of cardio everyday as well as 1.5 hours of weights a day. I was watching The Dr. Oz Show today and he was giving some tips on losing weight. One was to not eat past 8pm.
Now.. I eat a lot at night. And I know a reason for that pound that I gained is because I'm consuming more calories than I have been. I'm going to try to not eat past 8 and see where that gets me, but first.. after giving this brief background, here is my question; does this include not drinking? I'm literally not sure if I can not consume anything past 8, considering on some nights I go to bed at 1-2.
So am I ''allowed'' to drink water to at least give my stomach the impression of being full?
Sorry for the long message.. first time poster. Any answer is appreciated.