Norway is such a beautiful country

My very good friend who moved back to Norway for a bit, and has joined the Norwegian army just sent back some pics of him hiking up the norwegian mountains and rivers.

From the pictures, Norway is definetly a destination i would love to visit. It looks so beautiful with the mountains and rivers and all that nature stuff.
That does look amazing. I love to travel, I'll add that to my list. :D

Also, that camera your friend uses seems to be freakin awesome!
My ex-boyfriend is from Norway. He went there every summer. He always talked about how amazingly beautiful the country was.

If only he had said the same thing about me. Maybe we'd still be together. :D
I would want to know more than simply pictures of a few cows. Do they have steroid abusers? What percentage of the population is obese? Carbon emmisions etc etc
Where are those pics taken? Specially the mountain pics.. I think I've been there :p

Your friend is Norwegian, but moved to the states, and now moved back again? or?
He was born in Norway, moved he for high school and got his diploma and movd back the Norway to join the army, not sure if he's going to stay in Norway or move back to the states. He's going to visit in June though

And hey, if New Zealand has mountains as beautiful as those I'd love to go.Pay for my ticket :)