Norateen Heavyweight II

I have already searched these forums on this but couldnt find the answers i want.

I have just got two tubs of norateen for 20 pound.. (80 pound saving!) from a friend, each tub lasts a month.
I am relatively skinny for a 16 year old, 5"10 and about 140lbs.
I was thinking of stacking the norateen with whey protein and creatine. I have just recently started working out properly again.
I just want views on the norateen heavyweight II.
I wouldnt normally take it but as it is a pro hormone it is said to increase aggression levels. And this is great for me as i am a rugby player, but not quite aggressive enough on the field. So do you think this is a good idea?

You're only 16. One of the worst things you could do is take a pro-hormone. You do understand that it will affect your own body's production of testosterone (if it even works)...right?

If you're skinny you need to eat more. Not take a pro-hormone (i.e. designer steroid). it won't even do you any good if you're not eating enough. you'd just be turning your balls in to dried up raisins, and still be a skinny, extra pissed off rugby player.
You're only 16. One of the worst things you could do is take a pro-hormone. You do understand that it will affect your own body's production of testosterone (if it even works)...right?

If you're skinny you need to eat more. Not take a pro-hormone (i.e. designer steroid). it won't even do you any good if you're not eating enough. you'd just be turning your balls in to dried up raisins, and still be a skinny, extra pissed off rugby player.
NO. Not unless you want to grow breasts.

EAT MORE FOOD if you want to get muscles.