NO2 or N1-T

sorry but all your teammates are idiots.
NO2 does nothing but artificially inflate the muscles with extra blood for a few hours. Great for an erection if you're a little 'soft in the sack' but for weight training, its cosmetic. It does NOTHING to improve performance in the gym.

N1-T appears to be a 'testosterone booster' from Universal nutirition. it looks like it contains a little Tribulus...but unless you're in your 40's tribulus won't help you a whole lot. It will make you horny, but unless your natural test levels are below normal, trib won't do anything but lighten your wallet.
ok thanks...i coulda told u they were idiots myself but w/e lol.

ok on a serious note now, besides creatine (sicne ive read up alot of that) what other thing would be good to take?
Just keep with the basics, protein, liquid multivitamin, EFAs, stuff like that.. and just wondering why you don't like creatine?
im not sayign i didint like it....jus statin i already know about it and have it and didint need to see another whole post about creatine. thats all
If you really want to take something after you have the following-
protein, fish oil, multi vitamin

Creatine comes next
Then perhaps some citrulline-malate
And maybe even some extra BCAAs postworkout.
Yeah, a good, balanced diet of clean foods is probably the BEST thing anyone can do. Once you have that spot on, there's not too many supplements that are going to give you serious gains.

If you have problems sleeping soundly, ZMA's a good one to take at night/bedtime, and it does help support the body's natural testosterone production. Just don't take it with milk or anything heavy in calcium, including an hour before, and about 30 mins after. calcium screws with zinc absorption.

There used to be several good pro-hormone's out there, but the FDA cracked down on that after the MLB steroid scandal, and the 'ephedra induced deaths' of a few obese athletes with cholesterol levels higher than I can count ;)

Really about the only stuff that works great is, well, androgenic anabolic steroids...the illegal stuff. Since they wiped the legal pro-hormones from the market, more people are cycling gear than ever. I would stay clear of it though. No need to try em until A: you're older, mid 30's for example, and B: you've reached your natural peak physical shape. Most people who try AAS early, like late teenage years, find that (aside from typical side effects) they never feel right when they train naturally. They have poor gains, no focus...and thus they cycle back on again.

Alright, I'm way off topic (as usual). STick to good diet, creatine if you like, and supp's that ensure good vitamin/mineral levels, as well as fiber intake and Essential Fatty Acids. You'd be amazed at what a well-fueled human body is capable of.