no-xplode/muscle milk

ok. ive been back in the gym (seriously) for about 3 months now.and i wanted somthing to help get me my results faster. so i went down to the local gnc store and got a few things. i got this stuff called no-xplode ( some type of createn mix) and muscle milk (whey protien shake mix). there were so many choices there but going by what the guy described, this was what i wanted. now a question i didnt ask, but was wondering about is this. it has taken me 3 month sto get to where im at. and i am pleased, for th elittl etime ive done it. so now useing this stuff, how long will it take for me to start seeing better or quiker results. i am so inpatiant its not even funny. just wondering how long it took others (if any using this kind of stuff) to get results they wanted. im in the gym everyday after work for about 45min-1hour. so i think thats good. but anybody have a clue?
Supplements won't offset a poor diet. You also shouldn't be training everday, you will burnout.
dont get sucked in by these expensive bottles of promises.

You got to train hard and diet well.
only then is it worth taking suplements.

when you do, just get creatine monohydrate and pure whey protien powder.
these products wont really make any difference in the speed of your progress.

what you want is "consistent" progress, not "faster" progress. usually, those seeking "faster" progress try supplement after supplement and routine after routine and gimmick after gimmick and get nowhere.
consistent? well like i said, im in the gym every day for about an hour and i do the same weights/machines in the same order all th etime so.... is that what you mean?
to see results quicker, eat like hell, healthy food often throughout the day, but dont force yourself. use free weights in compound techniques doing exhausting sets of 6-10 with long recovery times in between, inpatience isnt an option mate, you'll only get frustrated and quit. Set long term goals, 3-6months etc. dont rely on supplements they are there to aid a good diet not create one. just use 100% creatine mono powder and whey protien isolate powder to complement ur existing diet. your body will only build if its getting enough nutrition. good luck
mustangdan said:
consistent? well like i said, im in the gym every day for about an hour and i do the same weights/machines in the same order all th etime so.... is that what you mean?
kinda sorta. dont mean that you have to train every single day.

more like meaning consistently getting to the gym and following your routine as written. not skipping squats to do the latest "arm blasting" routine in muscle and fiction magazine. not skipping a meal to instead drink a "muscle blasting" shake.

personally i can remember the only two workouts i missed at the end of last year. august 29th from hurricane katrina and september 23rd from hurricane rita. those who just get in there and "punch the clock" so to speak are way more succesful than those who are more "hit and miss". :)
What a dumb clerk. I would have suggested Cytogainer (if be it a CytoSport company).

Give yourself a day off between workouts and quit using every machine...the same machine every time. Oh, and get off the machines and spend some time in the power rack.
I like the taste and texture Muscle Milk the best. In my opinion you cannot go wrong with it. I would lay off the other supplements for a while until you nail down your diet.