No weight loss after quitting smoking


New member
Hi there everyone!

I sure hope i am posting in the right place!

Well im 32 and and finally ditched the filthy habit of smoking about 7 months ago and must say have never felt better since!

My only problem now is the weight!

I read before quitting that weight gain can be an issue so i started doing some light exercises before quitting still however picked up about 6kg, which granted doesnt sound much but im a real shorty so 6kg shows badly. Nothing fits anymore.

I dont know what i am doing wrong because:

1) i jog 5km about 4 to 5 times a week at quite a medium pace
2) i do additional 20min loose workouts at home about 3 times a week
3) i am not following a set eating plan, but i have cut down on my eating and when i snack it generally is on fruit or nuts. Currently using an app on my phone to keep track of my calorie intake an am making sure that it is about 1200 per day

Still i have not lost 1kg or 1 cm in the two months i have been exercising at the above mentioned pace. Its actually becoming very depressing and demotivating!

When i spoke to my dr her solution was to prescribe me duromine (and i only weigh 60kg) and after reading up on the dangers of the drug i decided against it but after all this its starting to feel like the only way out of this!

Is there anyone that has had this problem and could advise me?