NO shotgun

With my purchase of ON natural pro compelx I recieved some sample bars and powders. One of them was NO shotgun, it was one serving of it in a small pouch. I am thinking of trying it, before I do, has anyone tried this product? It also says to use before a sporting event, good or bad idea?
Well im new to these boards, iv been taking something smiler called N.O Explode im sure by the same company. It gives you energy and lots of it at least for me N.O Explode does shotgun i believe is the modified version to give more per serving then what explode does. It helps but i hear good and bad about both as far as i know it left me feeling kind of sick and light headed. It does recommend taking alot of water in as much as 120oz as said by my container label which could have been the issue.

Anyone else got a opinion or expertise?
I just took it and after my 30min work out (cut short by friends) I can still feel the affects.
This was my first creatine supplement btw
-I still feel very jittery, but if feels good
-My muscles feel larger and it feels great
-Its hard to type, i have a wierd feeling in my muscles
-At one point during my zotman curls I felt like my forearms were going to burst but it was a good feeling haha
-I lifted more than I normaly did with more reps
-The taste was amazing, like candy (wich is why I would not take it again, even the artifical taste of sugar makes me feel out of shape)
-Worked fairly fast
-I was running around trying to find more wieghts to do any exercise I could possibly think of
-Muscles felt like they where getting more of a work out

That is my summary of my work out with NO shotgun
Products that start with NO (Nitric Oxide) do nothing more than help you keep that 'pump' you get from a workout a little bit longer. It doesn't improve performance or recovery and is purely for aesthetics
This supplement contains Creatine Monohydrate Creatine Taurinate and Creatine Gluconate. Arnt those all performace enhancers?

Creatine is, but then again you could just take Creatine, it's a lot cheaper. It's just the Nitric Oxide part that's pointless, you'll look bigger for a while so people think it's great but ultimately it doesn't do anything
I just wanted to try it since I recieved it for free.
But I will defintly buy a diffrent product for getting creatine supplimation.
Yea i can say always at first NO products make you feel awesome but after using xplode for awhile i decided that i'm going to go with just creatine, cheaper and lasts longer.
I agree. The affects were good, but not what I was looking for.

I don't recomend NO products