no equipment excersizes for bodybuilding

Hello there, I dont have a gym membership or any machines, regrettably, and am trying to bulk up. i used to have a membership, and was on varsity swim team, so its not like im not fit or anything.

Yet, I cant find or think up any excersizes for my legs or upper torso that are really muscle building, and I dont have any equipment.

Ive been doing one handed push ups, pull ups, handstand push ups, and filling my backpack up with books for curls, things like that, ( I actually have quite a few things for my arms wich seem to work out, but none for my chest or back, or legs.)

I just dont know any real strength excersizes that actually build muscle and dont take equipment. Any suggestions would be great! preferably ones for chest, back and/or legs! Thank ya!
For legs, you can do leg presses under your couch. Lift it up and crawl under- push it up by the frame with your legs - watch out because it can be dangerous. Using a pile of books/bricks to keep it from smashing down on you if you drop it is a good idea. Stack stuff on it to increase weight.

You can also tie your feet off to the wall or something heavy and do squats horizontally by dragging yourself across the floor and then pushing back.
Have you ever heard of P90X or Insanity? They're both instructional exercise videos but they've been proven to really work to increase muscle! P90X requires some equipment for some of the workouts but I don't think Insanity does (except maybe some resistance bands which would come with the video). They might be something you want to check out!