Sport no access to kitchen. what are my choices?

Sport Fitness
well.. i finally hit the gym for the first time this semester and now i'm looking to complement the workouts with nutritious meals. however, i do not have access to a kitchen. what sort of foods do you recommend in this situation?

edit: i should elaborate on my goals..

right now my body is like a toothpick. 5'11" at 145lbs. my goal is to get to around 170 lbs, or just to the point that i won't be called "skinny" by people anymore!
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whey protein, raw veggies, fruits, canned fish, nuts, and more, will all be your best friends
Do you have access to a fridge/pantry/microwave/stove/sink/etc?

At the least, you can have fruit, vegetables, beef jerkey, tuna cans, salmon cans, seeds, nuts
there has to be a way to cook in your dorm.

In the words of Winnie the Pooh "think, think, think"

Get an electric griddle, wok, small fridge, cooler, campstove, small charcoal grill, George Foreman grill (LOL I know they suck)

You'll figure it out.
oh right. i have access to:

microwave, mini fridge, toaster, hot water (but i cannot boil anything).

so you're not allowed or you just didn't realize you can boil water in a microwave?

Kraken, dorm rules are pretty strict regarding cooking appliances. The risk of a fire is too great so most schools forbid anything beyond a microwave with a particular power limit. my school had kitchen areas in some of the newer dorms or house type dorms.

unlimitedx you don't eat the caf food?
nah i decided to not get a plan this year... i don't particularly find their food good.. and i figured i could buy a LOT more with the same amount of money, if i wanted to.
i'm 146lbs now... i wanna be 160 before the new year. is this possible? combo of muscle+fat