Sport Nitty gritty of Myoplex

Sport Fitness
Curious to find out how well things like Myoplex (powder), Muscle Milk and the such really work. I've been using the Myoplex off and on for about a year now and only notice small results.

What's beneficial to intake after a work-out? I'm looking to tone and build a little more muscle than I've established. I'd like any and all advice.
its basically the same thing as eating chicken or steak, but in liquid form.

seriously, protein powder is just food.

if you're not seeing results, something about your training or more likely diet is not inline with your goals.

and about your muscle...tone...those are OPPOSITE goals. you gotta eat MORE to build muscle. you gotta eat LESS to tone (i.e. burn body fat so that the muscle underneath shows better).
Pretty much.

Myoplex and muscle milk are great, imo. They are packed with a nice protein matrix as well as extra vitamins and nutrients... as well as Fiber (myoplex) and Medium Chained triglycerides (Muscle milk). You really can't fault protein shakes for lack of results.

Like Malkore said, your training or the rest of your diet is most likely missing 'something' rather than these shakes.

Just don't forget what the meaning of supplement really is.