Nike +.... info?

Hey all, I have been looking for some info on the Nike + and I cant find a whole lot. My old shoes have far too many miles on them and are starting to fall apart so I need to get a new pair here before I can start in on the marathon training. Is Nike + accurate? What about the shoes, which ones should I get for long distance running (marathon training)? Thanks in advance!
if you can run fast you can pretty much do it anything..

if you're looking for a nikee to run in tho, .. there's a socky foot glove type material like wetsuit material that's pretty light and has good thermo regualtion and whatever made specifically for running. Last time i bought a pair they were maybe Aus $240-50 ish..
I only really do nikees myself and rif unning was all I wanted them for.. I guess I'd get another pair of those.

Esteem nearly dyyying because someone is messing with my posts here but truly. I kicked as* in army training in those!;)

Blooming Lotus.