Weight-Loss NFL, follow your favorite team, they win..you win!



New member
Don't know if there's a challenge just like this, i did notice one titled "college football"...but here's the deal:

If you're into football, choose your favorite team (I'm from seattle, so mine is the seahawks).

For every point your team scores, you commit yourself to 10 minutes worth of exercise. So if my seahawks score 13 points in a game, i commit myself to 130 minutes worth of exercise.

Also, for every point they score, you put 1 dollar into a jar. At the end of the season, if you've been faithful with your exercises, you open the jar, and use that to buy yourself something nice!
no one likes my challenge :(
I think the challenge has lots of potential! My first question would be . . is there a time frame in which to do the exercises? (like w/in 24 hours?) Also, what if your team doesnt score, or if its a bi-week . . maybe have a default "challenge"= ei, drink water, eat fruits/veggies, etc.

OR . . . you could make the points/challenges revolve around what the OPPOSING team scores against YOUR team. For example, for every field goal against your team, you have to do X amount of sit ups, for every touchdown, so many minutes of cardio . . etc. I mean if your teams does well, you should have to do "less", if your team not doing so great, you should have to do more:rolleyes:
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I think the challenge has lots of potential! My first question would be . . is there a time frame in which to do the exercises? (like w/in 24 hours?) Also, what if your team doesnt score, or if its a bi-week . . maybe have a default "challenge"= ei, drink water, eat fruits/veggies, etc.

OR . . . you could make the points/challenges revolve around what the OPPOSING team scores against YOUR team. For example, for every field goal against your team, you have to do X amount of sit ups, for every touchdown, so many minutes of cardio . . etc. I mean if your teams does well, you should have to do "less", if your team not doing so great, you should have to do more:rolleyes:

good points! (pun intended)

ok so i agree, it should be what the other teams score against your team. So here are the rules:

a.) For every touch down an opposing team scores against your own, you must do 1 hour of cardio.

b.) for every field goal scored against your team, you do 100 sit-ups (remember you get a week to do them, so it shouldnt be too hard, just challenging enough)

c.) if your team has a bi-week, your goal for that week is to drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday

d.) And this part is optional and is just for fun! For every touchdown your team scores, you are allowed a beer! If you don't drink beer or don't believe beer should ever be put on restriction, you instead put money in a jar (you can determine the amount of money based on what you can afford). for instance, i'll probably put in 3 dollars for each touchdown the seahawks score. For every field goal, i'll put half that much.

oh, and here's a little something extra: for every 2 point conversion scored against your team, you have to do 100 push-ups also!

Most teams have one game a week, so after each game you will be allotted a week to do the exercises. Each week, post your team, who they are playing, what the scores were, and what they consisted of. The following week, update on the exercises you completed from that week, as well as the next games stats.

for example:

Week 1:

Seahawks Vs. Bengals

Seahawks: 20---2 touchdowns, 2 field goals
Bengals: 14---2 touchdowns

week 2:

2 hours running completed from last week.

new game:

Seahawks Vs. Cardinals.....etc.