

New member
Hello ,my name is chandrasekaran rajamani.I am a retired person seeking latest weight loss information.I hope my association with you is mutually beneficial.Thanks.
Welcome to the forum :)
After reading the profile information you have just posted I would like to remind you of the forum rules, in particular

4. Posts which are deemed as 'research' or data gathering for diet plans, books, or the like will be removed and subject to infractions. The site is for supporting and aiding others, not for market research.

Hello Trusylver,
I am here for only to learn useful information on health and fitness which I might publish on my site to help others after giving due credit to this forum.
I am not here for any market research,affiliate marketing...etc
I understand your concern to protect this forum from spammers and exploiters.
I am not such a person and I request you not to jump to conclusions just by going through my profile. Thanks.
I am here for only to learn useful information on health and fitness which I might publish on my site

so you are researching content for your site which is "for profit from affiliate marketing" as posted in your affiliate disclosure ?
Hello Trusylver,I have been researching on weight loss since many years and I have gathered much information on weight loss.I not only take, but also give information I know on weight loss so that it may help others.There is affiliate disclosure on my site as a matter of procedure but I have not sold anything so far and I don't have any affiliate links on my site.Having affiliate disclosure on site should not be a bar on becoming a member of the forum for giving and taking useful information as sharing can be both ways. I intend to give as well as take. I take your comment as a precautionary measure from your side as I am new here which I understand and respect. Thanks.