
Welcome! Why do you have trouble with nighttime eating? Are you too hungry by the end of the day? Bored? stressed? If you can reflect on why it is a problem, it is easier to find solutions.
Hi Karina,

Do you mean that you have big dinner or are you having a problem with snacking?

This is a common mistake that makes a lot of people overweight. Those who overeat at night are consuming calories at times that they are not needed. These calories do not get burned and end up as fat cells in your body.

People tend to overeat at dinner because they do not have a good lunch, or because they skip lunch altogether. To combat this you should make your lunch more filling. This way you will not feel hungry at night and you tend to eat less. Moreover, make you lunch time as close to you dinner time as possible.

Another thing regarding your dinner. Make sure not to eat in front of the T.V. Make it a rule to eat only in the kitchen.

If you tend to snack a lot at night then substitute bad snacks with more healthy options. You can try drinking tea. Tea comes in different flavors and it is low in calories. Or you can have some fruits or vegetables. This way you will minimize your calorie intake.