Newcomer from Italy


New member
Dear All!

My name is Robert. I'm from Italy. I'm 40 years old.

3 days ago I started a diet with the goal to lose 88lbs (40 kg) in one year.

I think this is my diet nr. 20 or 30... I don't remember, because it seems I am the whole life doing diets. But still weight problems. The Yo-Yo effect is very difficult to solve.

Now I started to convince me, that I am not doing a diet... I'm CHANGING my lifestyle. I MUST change my lifestyle and find a balance betwen food, sport, work, stress, etc.

I started a blog "The Battle of 40 Kg" in order to keep a Diary of all my activities, improvements ... and mistakes.

I hope all these things would help me to transorm the word DIET in HEALTY LIFESTYLE => diet for the whole life but without sacrifice... :)

I wish to all memebers a goos and healty weight loss.

Kind regards.

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