Welcome Benjamin! Great that you have picked up the challenge of losing weight! You are at the right place to find good advice on what to do!
Not drinking pop is a great accomplishment indeed! If you keep making steps like this, I am sure that you will lose. The reason that you are not losing now is that you most probably haven't yet created a calorie deficit yet.
Strength training is good in the sense that you build muscle that can help you burn more calories, but the activity itself does not really burn much. I am not suggesting that you stop, but that you add a bit of cardio. You can do that to the same training sessions, for example doing some cycling and running, but you can also incorporate some cardio in your life. Walk to the supermarket, work, school, friends, etc. Or just walk a bit for fun (or cycle), listening to an audiobook so you also get some entertainment and/or education. With your weight, you burn 150 calories per kilometer (running or walking... speed does not make a difference here in terms of how much you burn per unit of distance, but of course you burn more per hour if you go quicker). When I was at my highest weight, I could not motivate myself to run, so I chose to walk a lot. Eventually I walked like 35 kilometers per week, which meant that I lost half a kilo per week because of the walking alone.
I took this step-by-step (literally), I did not go walking this much in the first week, but I just did it more and more. I started to enjoy it, and now, years later, I still do.