newbie wanting support


New member
Good morning everyone. I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself to the forum.. I'm currently new to losing weight, I have never been the type to lose weight up until I had my second, I just kept gaining weight and ignored the symptoms I guess.. Anyways I had a massive wake up call when I saw my Christmas work party photos and decided to get a scale.. Much to my surprise I found out I was overweight for my height and decided to make a change, unfortunately for me I come from a family who don't believe in diets and think that I look just fine, however I feel fat and not happy with myself.. So I have come here to help me with support to aid my weight loss in my journey.. I plan to lose 14 kgs (62 down to 48) this is within my bmi since I'm so short (157cm).. I will although be happy to be 50-52 as well..

Anyways.. Just thought I'd introduce myself, I'll update my profile sometime today as I'll be at work but expect to be seeing a lot of me :) T.
The Ultimate Weight Loss Factor

Ok , I understand and I have a solution for this weight gaining buddies . First you need to cut down your food daily , Don't eat food that contain high calories, Don't drink the cool drinks or any other drink even if they say they can take you to heaven and lose your weight , Don't eat food that contains starch like rice and milk bread. Walk one hour daily , no matter what don't quit it . After 3 weeks you are going to see some results and after 3 months even more results . If you like this then please feel free to read my own written article : .
It contains all the support you need from a beginner level to professional . Be sure that you read it as you may miss some important steps .
Hopes you like this !!!!