Newbie Rant


New member
K, so here's my story. I was on medication for around 10 years for anxiety. I decided 2 years ago that it wasn't helping me, I basically became a shut in. Things needed to change. So after a few failed attempts to get off the meds, I finally buckled down and spent an entire year getting clean.

But durring that year I was very sick with withdrawl. I spent all my time either in bed or on the computer. Now that I'm better, I find myself in a completely different body. I've gained a lot of weight. I don't even recognise myself in the mirror anymore.

Today I decided to go get myself some new clothes since the only stuff I have that fits is frumpy house clothes. I went to the mall, tried on a few pairs of pants and left in tears. Not even the biggest size fits me. It was humiliating.

So that was a bit of a set back. But I decided that instead of laying in bed crying and feeling sorry for myself I'd find a weight loss forum and at try to get my head in the right place. If I just sit alone I'll end up torturing myself and I don't need that.

Tomorrow is another day, right ? I worked very hard to get off the meds and I know I can work just as hard to get my body back. (or at least back to a point i am comfortable with.) I guess I just needed a place to vent all the negative stuff in my head so I don't turn it inward.

Thanks for listening to my rant :)
Welcome! It seems to me like you will have no problem losing the weight. You've already proved to the world that you're a strong person and that once you set your mind to something, you can do it. Good for you! You'll find all the support you need here. I know I have, and I've only been here a little while. Making the commitment is part of the battle won, and now, bring in the rest of your troops and then we can beat the battle of the buldge!
thats not a rant thats a hissyfit. you should have one every day. It really helps. Being humilitated is something most of us understand. like me having to weigh myself on a cattle scale at a feed store. People dont realize how painfull their looks can be. anyway welcome. start a diary page its a good spot for ranting and keeping up with your eats and just whatever you want to talk about.............
lol I really think I should start a journal on like xanga or something just to rant about stuff that makes me mad. Welcome though :)

Looks like your already headed in the right direction. Good for you. I know you will find a home here. Everyone is so supportive and great. I find my daily insperation here.... ohh what's that? Time for a workout!! Woot, thanks Ultramaroon. You've already inspired me to go workout. You rock!
Hi, Ultramaroon! Welcome! You've found a home here. Lean on us whenever you need to. We're all on the same road to better health, so let's travel together. Good luck! You've already proven that you're strong by getting off your medications. I've never been through withdrawal, but I can imagine that it was very long and very painful. You can do this too!

See you around the forum!
I think you should go back and buy yourself those new clothes. You may not be able to shop at the stores that you are used to shopping at and sure, they may not be the size you want them to be, but I think dressing better helps with self-confidence... and when you are more confident it is easier to understand that you deserve to eat better and work out because you deserve your old body back. You can do it!