newbie needs some help

okay, so i've never set foot in a gym don't work out used to bike almost every day up till about 5months ago, since then i've gained 10lbs and im not exactly thrilled lol, thinking about joining a gym but before i do i want to get a work plan, i've tried figuring out what is best for me on my own, i just get confused. I'm 18 - 5' 7.5" - 160lbs - 34" waist - medium build. i want to gain muscle on my pectorals, back and bicepts. i also want to trim my belly fat, and thigh fat.
thanx, Ryan
Its a very broad subject to tell you the truth. Saying this makes me sound like a broken record but in training there is no magical formula. So my advice is start reading put together something and try it out. Find what works for you.