Newbie needs serious advise.

I live in Florida and work out in the sun all day. 9-9pm. It is a constant workout 6 days a week. I find im very sore every morning until I stretch out which I guess is normal. What my question is, is there something i can take to fuel my muscle and at the same time help with the soreness or regeneration?

Also, being that its so hot and I m sweating out everything, what should I use to hydrate through out the day besides water?

Thanks for any advise.
Water is the best souce, but depending on what all else you are consuming during the day, perhaps a sports drink with some carbs or such may be useful.

Is this working all day a new routine? One will often find in a laborous routine that is new to the system, your body will be sore the next day or 2, until it begins to adapt. If you have been working the same way for over a few weeks then it might just be due to the nature of what you are doing.

Drink a solid 4L of water a day minimum if you are working outside in the sun.

Fatty acids like Omega 3-6-9's are also good for helping assist the body recover. Have you considered flax seed oil or something similar?

Stretching after you work or before you go to bed may also help some.